Numerische Modellierung und Methoden

  • GLUE: Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation
  • Elmer/Ice: full-Stokes Eisfliessmodell (finite element method)
  • Daymet: Generierung täglicher Klimaoberflächen


  • Modellierung von klimatologischen Prozessen
  • Schnee im Klimasystem
  • Fehler- und Unsicherheitsmodellierung
  • Computationelle Geometrie

Weitere Publikationen

Bernhard, L., Pflugshaupt, C., Viviroli, D., Kotlarski, S. & Zappa M. (submitted). Future scenarios of the water balance of Switzerland: setup, verification and propagation of climate projections.

Speich, M., Bernhard, L., Teuling, A. J. & Zappa, M. (in review). Future scenarios of the water balance of Switzerland: objective assessment based on bivariate mapping and similiraity measures. Journal of Hydrology (Sept 2014)

Zappa, M., Bernhard, L., Spirig, C., Pfaundler, M., Stahl, K., Kruse, S., Seidl, I. & Stähli, M. 2014. A prototype platform for monitoring water resources and early recognition of critical droughts in Switzerland. Proc. IAHS, 364, 492-498 [doi:10.5194/piahs-364-492-2014]

Schattan, P., Zappa, M., Lischke, H., Bernhard, L., Thürig, E. & Diekkrüger, B. 2013. An approach for transient consideration of forest change in hydrological impact studies. Proc. IAHS, 311-319

Bernhard, L., Rebetez, M., Zimmermann, N.E., Thornton, P. (in preparation). Uncertainty Propagation in Forest Ecosystem Modeling: Sensitivity Analysis in the Swiss Alps. Journal of Hydrology

Reviewed Paper

Addor, N., Rössler, O., Köplin, N., Bernhard, L., Bosshard, T., Weingartner, R. & Seibert, J. 2013. Robustness and uncertainties in future hydrological regimes of Swiss catchments. Symposium The Water Cycle in a Changing climate. ETH Zürich

Bernhard, L. 2008. An uncertainty analysis of daily temperature and precipitation surfaces for Switzerland. EMS8/ECAC7 Abstracts, Vol 5. European Meteorological Society

Bernhard, L., Thornton, P. 2007. Recent meteorological extremes as triggers of hydrological extremes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 9. European Geosciences Union

Bernhard, L. 2006. Assessing daily climate model simulations in space and time across Switzerland. Price, M.F. (ed.): Global Change in Mountain Regions. Duncow: Sapiens

Not Reviewed Paper
Dobbertin, M., Bernhard, L., Graf Pannatier, E., Schmitt, M., Thimonier, A., Walthert, L. 2001. D3 – Langfristige Waldökosystemforschung in Graubünden. Bündner Wald. Forschen im Bündner Gebirgswald, 68 – 70
Conference Paper
Martinoni, D., Bernhard, L. 1998. A Conceptual Framework for Reliable Digital Terrain Modelling. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Vancouver (Kanada), 737 – 750

Bernhard, L., Sutter, F., Haeberli, W., Keller, F. 1998. Processes of snow/permafrost-interactions at a high mountain site, Murtèl/Corvatsch, Eastern Swiss Alps. In: PERMAFROST - Seventh International Conference, Yellowknife (Canada, 35 - 41

Book Chapter
Bernhard, L., Weibel, R. 1999. Modelling snowmelt using a digital terrain model and GIS-based techniques. In: Dikau, R., Saurer, H. (eds), GIS for Earth Surface Systems. Analysis and Modelling of the Natural Environment. Berlin, Stuttgart: Gebrüder Borntraeger, 25 – 46


