Course Announcement - ETH Autumn Semester 2024Sept 20, 2024 - Dec 20, 2024.

Smoothing and Nonparametric Regression 401-0627-00  -  Graduate level course (D-Math): Fridays 2pm-4pm; Location: ETH main building HG G 26.5. 

Suggested reading: Kernel Smoothing: Principles, Methods and Applications, by: Sucharita Ghosh, Wiley.

ETH, Zurich: Other Statistics courses < here >

Associate Editor: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (Elsevier)

Research Interests

  • Statistical Theory & Methods: nonparametric curve estimation, integral transforms, goodness-of-fit tests, time series, spatial processes.
  • Applications: trend and surface estimation, species count problems, rapid change, exceedance, various large scale and long term aspect

Recent and upcoming conferences:

2024 (Chair): "Probabilistic and Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning for Stochastic Processes", - an Invited Session at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug 3 - Aug 8, 2024, Portland, Oregon, USA

2023 (Organizer): "Statistics in the Environment", - an invited session at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug 5 - Aug 10, 2023, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

2023 (Speaker):  "Some statistical issues in long-term climate proxy data", Invited talk, session "Statistics in the Environment", at the JSM 2023, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

2022 (Speaker):  "Changes in a distribution function over time", Talk given in the session on "Estimation and Inference in Complex Systems", at the  Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug 6 - Aug 11, 2022, Washington, DC, USA.

2021 (Chair): "Quantifying the anthropogenic fingerprint in climate change" - an invited session at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug 7 - Aug 12, 2021, Seattle, USA. 

2021 (Speaker): "Density Estimation in the Context of Deconvolution", IMS Speed, JSM 2021: Virtual Conference, August 8 - 12, 2021



Statistics: textbooks

1. 2018 Ghosh, S. Kernel Smoothing: Principles, Methods and Applications, Wiley. [Amazon] [Wiley]

2. 2013 Beran, J., Feng, Y., Ghosh, S., Kulik, R. Long Memory Processes - Probabilistic Properties and Statistical Models, Springer. [Amazon] [Springer]

  • Environmental Sciences: co-edited volumes

3.  2007 Kienast, F., Wildi, O., Ghosh, S. (Eds.) A Changing World: Challenges for Landscape Research. Springer Verlag, Netherlands. [Amazon] [Springer]

4. 2004 Feldmeyer-Christe, E., Ghosh, S., Wildi, O., Zimmermann, N.E., Podani, J. (Eds.) Modern Approaches in Vegetation Monitoring [Reprinted from: Community Ecology 5 (1), 2004]. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 143 S. [Amazon]



All Years (Chronological)

  • 1987-1988 "Some tests of normality based on transforms", Research seminars given at: University of Toronto, California State University at Fullerton, CA; Cornell University, NY; University of Rochester, NY; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC.
  • 1989 Normality testing with transforms, Regional IMS meeting, University of California Davis, California, USA.
  • 1990 Testing normality and symmetry via integral transforms, Research seminar, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.
  • 1992 "Slowly decaying correlations, testing normality, nuisance parameters" Invited talk [Organizer, Prof. Nancy Reid, Toronto], 12th conference on probability and statistics in the atmospheric sciences, June 22-26, 1992. Toronto, Canada.
  • 1994 "Some topics on testing with the empirical characteristic function." Joint ASA-IMS-Bernoulli Society meeting, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA 1994.
  • 1994 Chair of the session on EM algorithms, Joint ASA-IMS-Bernoulli Society meeting, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 1994.
  • 1994 "A new graphical tool to detect non-normality." Invited talk [Organizer: Prof. Hans Künsch, ETH], Meeting of the Swiss Statistical Society, Bern, Switzerland.
  • 1994 "Analysis of the forest damage inventory data in Switzerland". Research seminar, Seminar für Statistik, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland.
  • 1995 "Bootstrap analysis of a forest health monitoring data". 21st European Meeting of Statisticians, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • 1996 "On slope estimation in a semiparametric regression model with long memory errors". 4th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Vienna, Austria.
  • 1997 "Nonparametric conditional quantile estimation in the presence of long memory". 3rd International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland.
  • 1997 "Selected problems in nonparametric and semiparametric statistics with applications in the environmental sciences". Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Mathematik, Munich, Germany.
  • 1998 "Stratified Random Sampling - An Introduction". Research seminar, University of Neuchatel, Swutzerland.
  • 1998 "SEMIFAR models in an analysis of some tree ring data". International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL), Florence, Italy.
  • 1999 "Replicated time series with applications". 52nd Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), Helsinki, Finland.
  • 2000 "Some applications of the moment generating function". Research seminar Fachbereich Statistik, Universität Dortmund, Germany.
  • 2001 "Quantile estimation to assess extreme climate events". Invited talk [Organizer: Dr. Christoph Frei, ETH] , Meeting of the European Geophysical Society, 26 - 30 March, Nice, France.
  • 2002 "Estimation and prediction for linear processes". Invited talk [Organizer: Prof. Rob J Hyndman, Monash], The 22nd International Symposium on Forecasting, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
  • 2002 "Estimating the moment generating function of a linear process". Invited talk. 4th International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland.
  • 2002 Organizer of Invited session: Quantile estimation, 4th International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis based on the L1-Norm and Related methods, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland.
  • 2002 "Nonparametric estimation and prediction of trend functions for time series", Invited talk, Statistische Woche, University of Konstanz, Germany.
  • 2003 "Speaking of trend ...", Audit-Landscape, Special seminar series [Organizer: Prof. Otto Wildi, WSL], January 2003, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
  • 2003 Chair and Organizer of the Invited and Contributed sessions on "Statistical Methods and their Applications" at the International Symposium on State of the Art in Vegetation Monitoring Approaches, 24-26 March, 2003, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
  • 2003 "On nonparametric smoothing for one dimensional transformations of Gaussian processes", Invited talk [organizer: Prof. Sigfried Heiler, Konstanz], 54th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Berlin, Germany.
  • 2004 "The T3 plots", Research seminar, Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.
  • 2004 "Moment generating function estimation for linear processes", 6th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society and Probability and 67th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 2005 "On estimating species-area relationships - author's vocabulary and related counting problems." Research seminar, Seminar für Statistik, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland.
  • 2005 "Selected problems related to inference for distribution functions", Research seminar, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
  • 2005 "On the empirical cumulant generating function of some stationary long-memory processes", 25th European Meeting of Statisticians, Oslo, Norway.
  • 2005 "Species counting", Research seminar,  Department of Mathematics, University of York, York, UK.
  • 2006 "An algorithm for age-depth modeling", Invited talk [Organizer: Prof. Willy Tinner, Bern], Festschrift conference in honor of Professor Brigitta Ammann, Möschberg, Bern, Switzerland.
  • 2007 "On species counting", 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 2008 "Testing normality of a long-memory sequence using the empirical moment generating function.", Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), Denver, Colorado, USA.
  • 2010 "Nonparametric estimation of distribution functions for Gaussian subordination models and applications", Invited Session: "Nonparametric Inference". International Indian Statistical Association (IISA) Conference, Jan 4-8, 2010, Visakhapatnam, Andhra University, Waltair, India.
  • 2010 Chair and organizer of the Special Invited Session on "Long Memory Processes". International Indian Statistical Association (IISA) Conference, Jan 4-8, 2010, Visakhapatnam, Andhra University, Waltair, India.
  • 2010 "Applications of Gaussian Subordination Models in Climate Research", Session: "Stochastic Processes & Graphs", Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  • 2011 "Gaussian subordination models on a lattice with environmental applications", Session on "Methods for non-Gaussian data", Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), Miami Beach, Florida, USA.
  • 2011 "Some nonparametric regression problems for Gaussian subordinated time series observations with long-memory." Session: "Statistical Modelling: Environment", International Statistical Institute (ISI), Dublin, Ireland.
  • 2011 Chair of the session: "Statistical Modelling: Environment", International Statistical Institute (ISI), Dublin, Ireland.
  • 2012 "Some nonparametric curve estimation problems with applications to instrumental & proxy climate data", Invited talk, Session on "Statistical Issues in Climate: Past and Future" (Organizer: Prof. John Haslett, Trinity College, Dublin). 22nd Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES), Jan 3 - 6, 2012, University of Hyderabad, India.
  • 2012 Chair of Invited session: "Energy and Environment Related Issues for Sustainable Development" (Organizer: Prof. M. N. V. Prasad, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad) and member of the Best Poster Judging Committee, 22nd Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES), Jan 3 - 6, 2012, University of Hyderabad, India.
  • 2012 "On nonparametric curve estimation with spatial data", Session: "On smoothing, dimension Reduction and functional data", Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), July 28-August 2, 2012,  San Diego, California, USA. 
  • 2013 "Computational aspects of long memory in space: Application to LiDAR & field data from Swiss forests", Invited talk [organizer: Prof. Subir Ghosh, Riverside, CA], IISA meeting in Chennai, India, Jan 2-5, 2013.
  • 2013 "On nonparametric curve estimation problems for certain non-Gaussian processes", Invited Talk [Organizer: Prof. Ilya Pavlyukevich, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena], Workshop of the ZiF Cooperation group on "Exploring climate variability: physical models, statistical inference and stochastic dynamics", ZiF - Center for Interdisciplinary Research,  Universität Bielefeld, Germany, Feb-Mar 2013.
  • 2013 Chair & organizer of the Invited session "Patterns and extremes: developments & review of spatial data analysis", Session sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, JSM 2013, August 3 - 8, 2013, Montréal, QC, H2Z 1H2, Canada.
  • 2013 "On estimation for partial linear models", Session: "Extensions and Generalizations of Linear Models", JSM 2013, Montreal, Canada.
  • 2014 Organizer of the Invited session "Estimation and Testing Problems in Large Spatial Datasets and Their Applications", Session sponsored by the Section on Statistics and the Environment, JSM 2014, August 2 - 7, 2014, Boston, MA, USA.
  • 2014 "On Variance Estimation for Nonparametric Surface Estimates Under Gaussian Subordination", Session: Nonparametric (IMS), JSM 2014, August 2 - 7, 2014, Boston, MA, USA.
  • 2014 "Local slope estimation in partial linear models under Gaussian subordination", Invited Talk [organizer: Prof. Yuanhua Feng, Paderborn], Session: "Semiparametric models for trend and volatility and their applications", International workshop on Semiparametric Volatility Models, July 24 - 26, 2014, University of Paderborn, Germany.
  • 2015 "On Kernel Smoothing under Gaussian subordination", Research seminar, ISRU, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India.
  • 2015 "Kernel estimation in semiparametric and nonparamertic regression for one dimensional transformation of Gaussian processes", Session: "Functional Data Analysis and Nonparametrics",JSM 2015, August 8 - 13, Seattle, WA, USA.
  • 2015 Chair & Organizer of the Topic Contributed Session (with invited speakers & discussant) "Large scale spatial processes: fundamentals, new developments, applications", Session sponsored by the Section on Statistics and the Environment, JSM 2015, August 8 - 13, Seattle, WA, USA.  
  • 2015 "A note on bandwidth selection in a nonparametric surface estimation problem", Session: Education & Research. Swiss Statistics Meeting 2015, August 24-26, 2015, University of Bern,  Bern, Switzerland.
  • 2016 "On kernel smoothing with Gaussian subordinated spatial data", Invited Talk [organizer: Anirban Dasgupta, Purdue], Session: Inference in High and Infinite Dimensional Problems under Sparsity and Shape Constraints, The 3rd conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, June 11-16, 2016, Avignon, France.
  • 2016 Chair & Organizer of the Topic Contributed Session (with invited speakers & discussants) "Topics in modern multivariate analysis: some recent results", Session sponsored by the Royal Statistical Society and the Section on Statistical Computing, JSM 2016, July 30 - August 4, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • 2016 "On estimating the cumulative distribution function of a detrended series under long-range dependence", Session: "Quantiles, Extremes, Long Memory and Fractals", JSM 2016, July 30 - August 4, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • 2016 "On Surface Estimation under Gaussian Subordination", Royal Statistical Society International Conference, September 5-8, Manchester, UK.
  • 2017 "Estimation of the Variance of Nonparametric Trend Estimates from Time Series Replicates Using the Empirical Moment Generating Function", Session: "Recent Advances in Nonparametric Statistics", JSM 2017, July 29 - August 3, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • 2017 Chair & Organizer of the Topic Contributed Session (with invited speakers & discussants) "Empirical transforms, saddlepoint approximation and risk assessment with some applications", Session sponsored by the Section on Risk Analysis, Business and Economic Statistics and Institute of Mathematical Statistics, JSM 2017, July 29 - August 3, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • 2017 "On some local estimation problems in large scale spatial data analysis", Royal Statistical Society International Conference, 4 – 7 September 2017, Glasgow, Scotland.
  • 2018 Organizer of the Topic Contributed Session (with invited speakers) "Curve Estimation under Dependence", Session sponsored by the Royal Statistical Society, JSM, July 28 - August 2, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • 2018 "Time-varying Regression Slope Estimation for Time series data", Royal Statistical Society International Conference, 3 – 6 September 2018, Cardiff, Wales.
  • 2018 "Selected problems in inference for distribution functions", Departmental Seminar, ISRU, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India.
  • 2018 "Finding hotspots", Session "Curve Estimation under Dependence", JSM, July 28 - August 2, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • 2019 "On trend estimation and related issues under Gaussian subordination", Invited Talk, LASR (Leeds Annual Statistical Research) workshop, 24 - 26 June 2019, Leeds, UK
  • 2019 "Exceedance locations in nonparametric regression under Gaussian subordination", Invited Talk, 4th International Workshop on Goodness-of-fit Change-Point, and Related Problems (GOFCP2019), 6 - 8 September 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • 2019 Chair & Organizer of the Topic Contributed Session (with invited speakers) "Big Data in Time Series and Spatial Data Analysis: Theory & Applications", Session sponsored by the Royal Statistical Society, JSM, July 27 - August 1, 2019, Denver, CO, USA.
  • 2019 "On some estimation and testing problems for distribution functions under dependence", Session Functional data and time series", JSM, July 27 - August 1, 2019, Denver, CO, USA.
  • 2019 "On automatic detection of locations with high/low average values", Research Unit Colloquium Series, FOREMA, Sept 23, 2019, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
  • 2020 Organizer of the Invited Session "On Structural Changes", JSM, August 1 - August 6, 2020, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • 2020 "On the crossing of a threshold under Gaussian subordination for spatial data", Invited Talk, JSM, August 1 - August 6, 2020, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 
  • 2021 "Quantifying the anthropogenic fingerprint in climate change" - an invited session at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug 7 - Aug 12, 2021, Seattle, USA. 

  • 2021 "Density Estimation in the Context of Deconvolution", IMS Speed, JSM 2021: Virtual Conference, August 8 - 12, 2021

  • 2022 "Changes in a distribution function over time", Talk given in the session on "Estimation and Inference in Complex Systems"at the  Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug 6 - Aug 11, 2022, Washington, DC, USA. 

  • 2023 "Statistics in the Environment", - an invited session at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug 5 - Aug 10, 2023, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  • 2023 "Some statistical issues in long-term climate proxy data", Invited talk, session "Statistics in the Environment"at the JSM 2023, Toronto. 

  • 2024 "Probabilistic and Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning for Stochastic Processes", - an Invited Session at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Aug 3 - Aug 8, 2024, Portland, Oregon, USA

Curriculum vitae & Some useful links

PhD 1987, University of Toronto, Department of Statistics


1. Statistical Theory & Methods: nonparametric curve estimation, integral transforms, goodness-of-fit tests, time series, spatial processes, nonstationary & locally stationary processes, irregularly spaced data, ratio of means estimation, statistical applications of large deviations

2. Statistical problems in the environment: trend & surface estimation, change points, species count problems and other large scale and long term aspects


Higher Secondary Exam, Science Stream, Bethune Collegiate School, Calcutta, India

B.Sc. with Honours in Statistics, Presidency College, University of Calcutta, India

M. Stat. with specialization in Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research, Indian Statistical Institute, India

SQC-OR Diploma: Indian Statistical Institute, India

Ph.D. Statistics. University of Toronto, Department of Statistics. (PhD Thesis: Some tests of normality using methods based on transforms).


Current: Visiting Scientist at WSL & Lecturer at ETH, Zürich.

Previous university faculty positions: Scientific Staff (WSL), Tenure track Asstant Professor of Statistics (Cornell University & Texas A&M University), Honorary visiting fellow (York University, UK, Mathematics Department), Visiting lecturer (UNC Chapel Hill), Visiting scholar (Stanford University, Statistics Department)

Jobs during graduate student years: Graduate teaching assistant as instructor/lecturer, marker etc. (University of Waterloo - Mathematics, University of Toronto - Statistics), Statistical Consulting Service (University of Toronto).

Editorial Boards of Journals

1. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, Haupt (Editorial Board Member: 1999-2009) (
2. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Elsevier (Associate Editor: 2014 -) (


1. Grants, Reports etc.:
American Mathematical Society (AMS), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4, AR5 & others), Israel Science Foundation, ProClim (Swiss Academy of Sciences), Research  Grants Council of Hong Kong, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).

2. Journal refereeing:
Annals of Forest Science, Annals of Statistics, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, Biometrics, Bernoulli, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Community Ecology, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Dendrochronology, Ecological Complexity, Economic quality control, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Environmetrics, Forestry, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Arid Environments, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,  Journal of Quality Technology, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - B, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Journal of Vegetation Science, Mathematical Biosciences, Mathematical Reviews, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Silva Fennica, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Student (published by the University of Neuchatel)

Teaching experience

1. Switzerland:
* Smoothing and Nonparametric Regression, Lectures, D-MATH, ETH Zürich; Since 2008.
2. UK:
* Statistics II for undergraduates, Lectures (jointly with Gilbert Morrey, York), University of York, Department of Mathematics, (summer 2007)
3. Germany:
* Regression for graduate students, Lectures, University of Konstanz, Germany, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (Winter semesters, 2001 - 2005)
4. USA:
* Undergraduate and graduate Statistics courses, Lectures, Cornell University, ILR school (1988-1990)
* Introductory Statistics & Probability for undergraduates, Lectures, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Statistics (1987-1988)
5. Canada:
* Introductory Statistics & Probability for undergraduates, Lectures, University of Toronto, Department of Statistics (1982- 1987)
* Various Statistics courses, Teaching assistant, University of Toronto, Department of Statistics (1982-1987)
* Calculus, Teaching assistant, University of Waterloo, Faculty of Mathematics (1981-1982)

Some useful links




Societies & Related



  1.        1979 Ghosh, S. Reliability evaluation of an electronic circuit. Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research Project Reports of the Indian Statistical Institute and the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.
  2.        1979 Ghosh, S. Study on single phase energy meter for minimising rejection/rework due to starting current. Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research Project Reports of the Indian Statistical Institute and the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.
  3.        1979 Ghosh, S. Development of an electronic circuit for parametric and tolerance values. Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research Project Reports of the Indian Statistical Institute and the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.
  4.        1980 Ghosh, S. Evaluation of mean time to system failure of a system of relays, under testing conditions. Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research Project Reports of the Indian Statistical Institute and the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.
  5.        1980 Ghosh, S. Study on industrial drive control panels for minimising rework due to painting of hylam boards. Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research Project Reports of the Indian Statistical Institute and the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.
  6.        1983 Ghosh, S., Shah, K. Optimality of generalized Room squares. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 10: 2105-2119.
  7.        1987 Ghosh, S. Some tests of normality using methods based on transforms. PhD Thesis. Department of Statistics, University of Toronto, Canada.
  8.        1988 Feuerverger, A., Ghosh, S. An asymptotic Neyman-Pearson type result under symmetry constraints. Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 17: 1557-1564.
  9.        1988 Ghosh, S. Some tests of normality based on transforms. June 1988, Mimeo Series No. 1764, Department of Statistics, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
  10.        1989 Beran, J. Ghosh, S. Goodness-of-fit tests and long-range dependence. Stanford University, Department of Statistics, Technical Report., Palo Alto, CA, USA.
  11.       1989 Ghosh, S., Ruymgaart, F.H. Projection pursuit type applications of multivariate empirical characteristic functions. Mimeo Series 1778. Chapel Hill, Department of Statistics, University of North Carolina. January 1989. , NC, USA.
  12.       1990 Beran, J., Ghosh, S. Goodness of fit tests and long-range dependence. In Directions in Robust Statistics and Diagnostics, Part I, eds. W. Stahel and S. Weisberg, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 33, Springer, pp 21-33.
  13.       1991 Beran, J., Ghosh, S. Slowly Decaying Correlations, Testing Normality, Nuisance Parameters. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 86: 785-791.
  14.       1992 Ghosh, S., Ruymgaart, F. Applications of empirical characteristic functions in some multivariate problems. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 20: 429-440.
  15.       1995 Ghosh, S., Innes, J. Combining field and control team assessments to obtain error estimates for surveys of crown condition. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 10: 264-270.
  16.       1995 Ghosh, S., Innes, J., Hoffmann, C. Observer variation as a source of error in assessment of crown condition through time. Forest Science, 41: 235-254.
  17.       1996 Ghosh, S. A new graphical tool to detect non-normality. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 58, 691-702.
  18.       1996 Ghosh, S., Innes, J. Comparing some sampling strategies for a forest monitoring program. Forest Ecology and Management, 2: 231-238.
  19.       1996 Innes, J., Ghosh, S., Schwyzer, A. A method for the identification of trees with unusually coloured foliage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 26: 1548-1555.
  20.       1997 Ghosh, S., Beran, J., Innes, J. Nonparametric conditional quantile estimation in the presence of long memory. Student, 2: 109-117.
  21.       1997 Ghosh, S., Dietrich, M., Scheidegger, C. Bootstrap based species-area curve estimation for epiphytic lichens in Switzerland. (appears in the Ph.D. thesis of the second author (Univ. Bern)).
  22.       1997 Dobbertin M., Ghosh S., Innes J.L. Switzerland. pp. 120- 124. In: 10 years forest condition monitoring in Europe. Studies on temporal development, spatial distribution, and impacts of natural and anthropogenic stress factors. Geneva and Brussels, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe / European Commission. eds. C. Müler-Edzards, W. De Vries and J. Willem Erisman.
  23.       1997 Ghosh, S., Landmann, G., Pierrat, J.C., Müler-Edzards C. Spatio-temporal variation in defoliation. pp. 35-50. In: 10 years forest condition monitoring in Europe. Studies on temporal development, spatial distribution, and impacts of natural and anthropogenic stress factors. Geneva and Brussels, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe / European Commission. eds. C. Müler-Edzards, W. De Vries and J. Willem Erisman.
  24.       1997 Müler-Edzards, C., Erisman, J.W., de Vries, W., Dobbertin, M., Ghosh, S. Overview report. 19 pp. In: 10 years forest condition monitoring in Europe. Studies on temporal development, spatial distribution, and impacts of natural and anthropogenic stress factors. Geneva and Brussels, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe / European Commission. eds. C. Müler-Edzards, W. De Vries and J. Willem Erisman.
  25.       1997 Innes J.L., Ghosh S., Dobbertin M., Rebetez M., Zimmermann S. 1997: Kritische Belastungen und die Sanasilva-Inventur. In: [German] Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL) eds. Forum für Wissen 1997: Säure- und Stickstoffbelastungen - Ein Risiko für den Schweizer Wald? pp. 73-83.
  26.       1998 Dobbertin, M., Ghosh, S., 1998: Vergleich zwischen zwei Beobachtern bei der Inventur 1997. pp. 84-85. In: [German] Sanasilva- Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefärdung des Schweizer Waldes ed. P. Brang. Berichte der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf.
  27.       1998 Dobbertin, M.; Ghosh, S.; Brang, P.; Innes, J.L., 1998: Kronenverlichtung. pp. 19-23. In: [German] Sanasilva- Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefärdung des Schweizer Waldes ed. P. Brang. Berichte der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf.
  28.       1998 Dobbertin, M.; Ghosh, S., 1998: Unterschiedliche Inventur- und Auswertungsmethoden: Beeinflussen sie die Resultate zur Kronenverlichtung? pp. 86-92. In: [German] Sanasilva- Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefärdung des Schweizer Waldes ed. P. Brang. Berichte der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf.
  29.       1998 Ghosh, S.; Dobbertin, M., 1998: Verfärbung der Baumkronen. pp. 24. In: [German] Sanasilva- Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefärdung des Schweizer Waldes ed. P. Brang. Berichte der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf.
  30.       1998 Beran, J., Ghosh, S. Root-n-consistent estimation in partial linear models with long-memory errors. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 25: 345-357.
  31.       1998 Ghosh, S., Skelly, J., Innes, J., Skelly, L. Temporal development of visual ozone injury on the foliage of Prunus Serotina - a statistical evaluation. Environmental Pollution, 102: 287-300.
  32.       1999 Ghosh, S. T3-plot. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Update volume 3, John Wiley, 739-744.
  33.       2000 Ghosh, S., Beran, J. Comparing two distributions: The two sample T3 plot. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 9: 167-179.
  34.       2000 Beran, J., Ghosh, S. Estimation of the dominating frequency for stationary and non-stationary fractional autoregressive models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 21: 517-533.
  35.       2000 Ghosh, S. Review of Nature and Culture in Landscape Ecology, Experiences for the 3rd Millennium. Edited by Pavel Kovar. In the International Association for Landscape Ecology Bulletin, Vol. 18, no. 1, February 2000, 1-2.
  36.       2001 Ghosh, S. Nonparametric trend estimation in replicated time series. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 97: 263-274.
  37.       2001 Ghosh, S. Review of Spatial modeling of forest landscape change, edited by Mladenoff, D.J. and Baker, W.L. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen. 152: p. 465.
  38.       2002 Beran, J., Feng, Y., Ghosh, S, Sibbertsen, P. On robust local polynomial estimation with long-memory errors. International Journal of Forecasting, 18: 227-241.
  39.       2002 Ghosh, S., Draghicescu, D. Predicting the distribution function for long-memory processes. International Journal of Forecasting, 18: 283-290.
  40.       2002 Ghosh, S., Draghicescu, D. An algorithm for optimal bandwidth selection for smooth nonparametric quantiles and distribution functions. In, Statistics in Industry and Technology: Statistical Data Analysis based on the L1-Norm and related methods, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 161-168.
  41.       2003 Beran, J., Ghosh, S, Sibbertsen, P. Nonparametric M-estimation with long-memory errors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 117: 199-205.
  42.       2003 Ghosh, S. Estimating the moment generating function of a linear process. Student, 4: 211-218.
  43.       2003 Draghicescu, D., Ghosh, S. Smooth nonparametric quantiles. In, Proceedings of the 2nd International colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics (MENP-2), Geometry Balkan Press, Bucharest, Romania 2003, pp. 45-52.
  44.       2003 Ghosh S., Wildi O. Understanding temporal change. pp. 74 - 83. In: Baltensweiler et al. A changing world: New challenges for Landscape Research, Unpublished Draft of the Audit-Landscape, WSL, January 2003.
  45.       2003 Ghosh, S., Holderegger, R., Wildi, O. Spatial Dynamics. pp. 84 - 92. In: Baltensweiler et al. A changing world: New challenges for Landscape Research, Unpublished Draft of the Audit-Landscape, WSL, January 2003.
  46.       2003 Wildi, O., Hall, M., Kienast, F., Ghosh, S. Landscape ecology revisited. pp. 5-14. In: Baltensweiler et al. A changing world: New challenges for Landscape Research, Unpublished Draft of the Audit-Landscape, WSL, January 2003.
  47.       2004 Feldmeyer-Christe, E., Ghosh, S., Wildi, O., Zimmermann, N.E., Podani, J. (Eds.) Modern Approaches in Vegetation Monitoring [Reprinted from: Community Ecology 5 (1), 2004]. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 143 S.
  48.       2004 Ghosh, S. Review of Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Environmental Data, by Mikhail Kanevski and Michel Maignan. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen.
  49.       2004 Wildi, O., Feldmeyer-Christe, E., Ghosh, S., Zimmermann, N.E. Comments on vegetation monitoring approaches. Community Ecology 5:1-5.
  50.       2006 Ghosh, S., Beran, J. On estimating the cumulant generating function for linear processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 58: 53-71.
  51.       2006 Ghosh, S. Regression based age estimates of a stratigraphic isotope sequence. Journal of Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 15: 273-278.
  52.       2007 Ghosh, S., Beran, J., Heiler, S., Percival, D., Tinner, W. Memory, non-stationarity and trend: analysis of environmental time series. In Kienast, F., Wildi, O., Ghosh, S. (Eds.) A Changing World: Challenges for Landscape Research. Springer Verlag, Netherlands.
  53.       2007 Ghosh, S., Wildi, O. Statistical analysis of landscape data: space-for-time, probability surfaces and discovering species. In Kienast, F., Wildi, O., Ghosh, S. (Eds.) A Changing World: Challenges for Landscape Research. Springer Verlag, Netherlands.
  54.       2007 Kienast, F., Wildi, O., Ghosh, S. (Eds.) A Changing World: Challenges for Landscape Research. Springer Verlag, Netherlands.
  55.       2007 Kienast, F., Wildi, O., Ghosh, S. Change and Transformation: A Synthesis. In: Kienast, F.; Wildi, O.; Ghosh, S. (eds) A Changing World. Challenges for Landscape Research. Springer Landscape Series, Dordrecht. Vol. 8: 1-4.
  56.       2007 Wildi, O., Kienast, F., & Ghosh, S. "Global Change" als Chance für Forschung und Gesellschaft: Ein neues Buch der WSL. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 152(3), 93-96.
  57.          also see: 2007 Wildi, O., Kienast, F., & Ghosh, S. "Global Change" als Chance für Forschung und Gesellschaft: Ein neues Buch der WSL. Informationsblatt Landschaft, pp. 1-4. Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL.
  58.      2009 Beran, J., Ghosh, S., Schell, D. Least square estimation for stationary lattice processes with long-memory. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100: 2178-2194.
  59.      2009 Ghosh, S. The unseen species number revisited. Sankhya, The Indian Journal of Statistics 71-B, 2: 137-150.
  60.      2010 Beran, J., Schuetzner, M., Ghosh, S. From short to long memory: aggregation and estimation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54: 2432-2442.
  61.      2010 Menendez, P., Ghosh, S., Beran, J. On rapid change points under long memory. Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference 40: 3343-3354.
  62.      2011 Beran, J. and Ghosh, S. The moment generating function. In:International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, M. Lovric (Ed.), Springer, Berlin/New York.
  63.      2012 Wermelinger, B., Epper, C., Kenis, M., Ghosh, S., Holdenrieder, O. Emergence patterns of univoltine and bivoltine I. typographus (L.) populations and associated natural enemies. Journal of Applied Entomology 136: 212–224.
  64.       2013 Beran, J., Feng, Y., Ghosh, S., Kulik, R. Long Memory Processes - Probabilistic Properties and Statistical Models. Springer.
  65.       2013 Ghosh, S. Normality testing for a long-memory sequence using the empirical moment generating function. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 143, 944–954.
  66.       2013 Menéndez, P., Ghosh, S. Künsch, H.R., Tinner, W. On trend estimation under monotone Gaussian subordination with long-memory: application to fossil pollen series. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 25, No. 4, 765–785.
  67.       2014 Ghosh, S., Graf, U., Ecker, K., Wildi, O., Küchler, H., Feldmeyer-Christie, E., Küchler, M. Dimension reduction and data sharpening of high-dimensional vegetation data: an application to Swiss mire monitoring. Ecological Indicators 36, 242-253.
  68.       2014 Ghosh, S. On local slope estimation in partial linear models under Gaussian subordination. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 155, 42-53.
  69.       2015 Beran, J., Feng, Y., Ghosh, S. On EFARIMA and ESEMIFAR models. In: Empirical Economic and Financial Research - Theory, Methods and Practice. Series: Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, Vol. 48. Beran, Jan; Feng, Yuanhua; Hebbel, Hartmut (Eds.). 2015, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg. pp 239-253.
  70.       2015 Ghosh, S. Surface estimation under local stationarity. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Vol. 27, No. 2, 229–240.
  71.       2015 Beran, J., Feng, Y., Ghosh, S. Modelling long-range dependence and trends in duration series: an approach based on EFARIMA and ESEMIFAR models. Statistical Papers 56, Issue 2, 431-451.
  72.       2015 Ghosh, S. Computation of spatial Gini coefficients. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 44, Issue 22, 4709–4720.
  73.       2016 Beran, J., Moehrle, S., Ghosh, S. Testing for Hermite rank in Gaussian subordination processes. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 25, Number 3, 917–934.
  74.       2017 Ghosh, S. On estimating the marginal distribution of a detrended series with long memory. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 46, Issue 23, 11539-11557.
  75.       2018 Beran, J., Steffens, B. Ghosh, S. On local trigonometric regression under dependence. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 39: 592–617.
  76.       2018 Ghosh, S. Kernel Smoothing: Principles, Methods and Applications. Wiley.
  77.       2018 Ghosh. S. On Kernel Smoothing with Gaussian Subordinated Spatial Data. In: P. Bertail et al. (eds.) Nonparametric Statistics, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 250,, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.
  78.       2020 Beran, J., Liu, H., Ghosh, S. On aggregation of strongly dependent time series. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 47: 690-710.
  79.       2020 Beran, J., Ghosh, S. Estimating the mean direction of strongly dependent circular time series. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 41: 210–228.
  80.       2020 Ghosh, S. A note on using the empirical moment generating function to estimate the variance of nonparametric trend estimates from independent time series replicates. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 49(9): 2287–2301
  81.       2021 Moser, G.E., Ghosh, S. Finding exceedance locations in a large spatial database using nonparametric regression. Ecological Complexity, 45, 100905 (14 pp.). doi: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2020.100905
  82.   2021 Ferretti, M., Ghosh, S., Gottardini, E. Stem radial growth is negatively related to tree defoliation and damage in conifers, northern Italy. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4, 775600 (11 pp.).
  83.       2021 Beran, J., Steffens, B., Ghosh, S. Testing for the expected number of exceedances in strongly dependent seasonal time series. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 33 (3-4), 417-434.
  84.       2022 Petrovska, R.; Bugmann, H.; Hobi, M.L.; Ghosh, S.; Brang, P. Survival time and mortality rate of regeneration in the deep shade of a primeval beech forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 141: 43-58. doi: 10.1007/s10342-021-01427-3
  85.      2022 Beran, J., Steffens, B., Ghosh, S. On nonparametric regression for bivariate circular long-memory time series. Statistical Papers, 63, pages 29–52. 
  86.     2022 Long-range dependence in directional data In A. SenGupta & B. C. Arnold (Eds.), Forum for interdisciplinary mathematics. Directional statistics for innovative applications. A bicentennial tribute to florence nightingale. Singapore: Springer. 395-406. 

