

Mit dem VPDrought-Experiment werden die Einflüsse und Auswirkungen von Luft- und Bodentrockenheit auf den Wald wissenschaftlich untersucht. Der weltweit erstmalige Versuch in dieser Kombination und Qualität wird im Pfynwald auf der bereits bestehenden Forschungsfläche der WSL umgesetzt.

The current and long-term conditions of the atmosphere impact the physiological functioning of trees. Therefore, many atmospheric variables are measured in Pfynwald to better understand processes and interactions with the forest.

Using advanced dendrometer technology, we aim to unravel drought stress and growth patterns in European forests. By developing new analysis methods and leveraging a network of research sites, it seeks to pinpoint areas most vulnerable to drought across Central Europe.

During periods of low water availability, trees differently modulate C and H2O fluxes to balance photosynthesis, growth, and other metabolic activities. However, we still do not know how increased vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and reduced soil water availability periods affect whole-tree hydraulics.

Forest-RESIST explores how forests respond to changes in water availability and vapour pressure deficit (VPD). We map underground processes using 4D electrical resistivity imaging, capturing water flow and root uptake. Together with ETHZ, this research is conducted at the Pfynwald research platform.

Integrating different datasets will allow us to disentangle and better understand the relationship between leaf level chlorophyll fluorescence, remotely sensed sun induced fluorescence and photosynthetic CO2 uptake in response to drought.

This project investigates different ways of visualizing the complex data collected at the Pfynwald research site.


Shakas A., Hediger R., Gessler A., Singha K., de Pasquale G., D'Odorico P., … Meusburger K. (2025) Does optimality partitioning theory fail for belowground traits? Insights from geophysical imaging of a drought‐release experiment in a Scots Pine forest. New Phytol. 245(2), 546-558. doi:10.1111/nph.20245 Institutional Repository DORA

Didion-Gency M., Vitasse Y., Buchmann N., Gessler A., Gisler J., Schaub M., Grossiord C. (2024) Chronic warming and dry soils limit carbon uptake and growth despite a longer growing season in beech and oak. Plant Physiol. 194(2), 741-757. doi:10.1093/plphys/kiad565 Institutional Repository DORA

Didion‐Gency M., Deluigi J., Gisler J., Juillard T., Schaub M., Tuñas‐Corzon A., Grossiord C. (2024) Reduced soil moisture drives leaf anatomical shifts more than chronically elevated temperatures in European temperate trees. Plant Biol. doi:10.1111/plb.13745 Institutional Repository DORA

Gauthey A., Bachofen C., Chin A., Cochard H., Gisler J., Mas E., … Grossiord C. (2024) Twenty years of irrigation acclimation is driven by denser canopies and not by plasticity in twig- and needle-level hydraulics in a Pinus sylvestris forest. J. Exp. Bot. 75(10), 3141-3152. doi:10.1093/jxb/erae066 Institutional Repository DORA

Gauthey A., Bachofen C., Deluigi J., Didion-Gency M., D'Odorico P., Gisler J., … Grossiord C. (2023) Absence of canopy temperature variation despite stomatal adjustment in Pinus sylvestris under multidecadal soil moisture manipulation. New Phytol. 240(1), 127-137. doi:10.1111/nph.19136 Institutional Repository DORA

Didion‐Gency M., Gessler A., Buchmann N., Gisler J., Schaub M., Grossiord C. (2022) Impact of warmer and drier conditions on tree photosynthetic properties and the role of species interactions. New Phytol. 236(2), 547-560. doi:10.1111/nph.18384 Institutional Repository DORA

Grossiord C., Bachofen C., Gisler J., Mas E., Vitasse Y., Didion‐Gency M. (2022) Warming may extend tree growing seasons and compensate for reduced carbon uptake during dry periods. J. Ecol. 110(7), 1575-1589. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13892 Institutional Repository DORA

Schönbeck L., Grossiord C., Gessler A., Gisler J., Meusburger K., D'Odorico P., … Schaub M. (2022) Photosynthetic acclimation and sensitivity to short- and long-term environmental changes in a drought prone forest. J. Exp. Bot. 73(8), 2576-2588. doi:10.1093/jxb/erac033 Institutional Repository DORA

D'Odorico P., Schönbeck L., Vitali V., Meusburger K., Schaub M., Ginzler C., … Ensminger I. (2021) Drone‐based physiological index reveals long‐term acclimation and drought stress responses in trees. Plant Cell Environ. 44(11), 3552-3570. doi:10.1111/pce.14177 Institutional Repository DORA
