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Objectives and interests

As a forest ecologist, I am interested in the impacts of forest management and upcoming drivers (e.g. energy wood harvesting, neobiota) on forest biodiversity. I am particularly dedicated to insects dependent on dead wood and old growth trees, and to the functions of this insect group in forest ecosystems. With more than 10 years of work experience at the interface between research, policy and managers, I am seeking to develop research projects connecting forest management and biodiversity conservation. My main objectives are to better understand patterns in forest biodiversity from local to continental scale and to provide scientific baselines to integrate biodiversity conservation into forest management.


2013─2015 Diploma of Advanced Studies in Applied Statistics (DAS), ETH Zurich
2000─2004 PhD in zoology at the University of Basel, NLU Biogeography

Thesis title: The impact of forest management on saproxylic beetles and other arthropods in a semi-deciduous forest in Southern Benin

1994─1999 Master in environmental sciences, ETH Zurich

Master thesis title: Mega-herbivores as ecosystem engineers in Switzerland over the last 250’000 years.

Work experiences
Since 2016 Professor for forest ecology, Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Visiting scientist, WSL
2013 - 2016 Research associate, WSL Birmensdorf, 90%
2007─2013 Research associate, WSL Birmensdorf, ca. 50%

Project leader (Science-Policy Interface), Swiss Biodiversity Forum, ca. 50%

2005─2007 Research associate (Consulting FOEN & Cantons), ETH Lausanne, 100%
2000─2004 Research associate (PhD), University of Basel
2000 Research associate (Consulting Romandie), Swiss Landscape Foundation, Bern
1997 Trainee in Burigi game Reserve, Tanzania

Research Activities

At the WSL, I am working on projects contributing to the conservation of forest biodiversity especially the dead wood and old-growth dependent organisms.

Projects (Title in the working language)
2015─2017 Forest disturbance and arthropods
2015─2016 Habitat trees and microhabitats in primeval beech forest, Ukraine.
Ab 2016 Artenmonitoring in Naturwaldreservaten der Schweiz
2014─2015 Rote Liste der xylobionten Käfer der Schweiz (4 Familien)
2015 Einrichtung eines Marteloskops mit Ausrichtung Biodiversität in Sihlwald
2014─2016 Xylobionte Käfer auf entrindeten Bäumen in Benin, West Afrika

Reference list and ecological importance of tree related microhabitats in temperate forests

2015─2016 Habitatwahl von Weissrückenspecht: Einfluss der xylobionten Käfern
2013─2015 Impact of fuel wood piles on saproxylic beetles
2014─2015 Methodik für ein Artenmonitoring in Naturwaldreservaten
2010─2015 Totholzdynamik und xylobionte Käfer in Waldreservaten (TOXYWA)
2010─2015 Saproxylic beetles in Uholka beech primeval forest, Ukraine
2012─2013 Flächenbedarf für Biodiversität und Ökosystemleisungen
2007─2011 Wandel der Biodiversität in der Schweiz
2008─2010 Auswahlkriterien für Altholzinseln
2008─2013 Internetplattform zur Unterstützung der Forstpraxis beim Alt- und Totholzmanagement.
2008 « Bois mort source de vie »: Préparation d’un projet Interreg concernant le bois mort et les vieux arbres en forêts de montagne
2006─2007 Gestion des vieux arbres et du bois mort : Îlots de sénescence, arbres-habitat et métapopulations saproxyliques
2007 Conservation des espèces saproxyliques à l’échelle des métapopulations dans le canton du Jura
2006 Erhaltung von saproxylischen Arten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung internationaler Vorgaben
2005─2006 Alt- und Totholzstrategie für die Schweiz: wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Vorschlag
