ResearcherID: L-9315-2013


  • Makro-  und mikromorphologischen Veränderungen infolge von Umwelteinflüssen
  • Funktionelle Pflanzenanatomie
  • Autoökologie der Baumarten
  • Bioindikation der Umweltstressfaktore mit Samenpflanzen
  • Histologie, Zytologie und Zellphysiologie


Seit 2001 Wiss. Mitarbeiter und Senior Researcher, WSL, Schweiz

1998 - 2001 Post-doc, WSL, Schweiz

1997 - 1999 Oberassistent, Universität von Lausanne, Schweiz

1996 - 1997 Post-doc, University of Massachusetts, USA.

1991 - 1995 Assistent, Universität von Lausanne, Schweiz

1988 - 1995 Umweltberater (verschiedene Unternehmen), Schweiz

1986 - 1995 PhD. Universität von Lausanne, Schweiz

1982 - 1986 Biologiestudium, Universität von Lausanne, Schweiz


Pro Quercus

Andere Aktivitäten

Seit 1997 Waldwirtschaft (Verwaltung von 10 ha privatem Wald), Westschweiz


Pine tree stand and forest site resilience after the severe 2017 wildfire on the slopes of Vesuvius, Italy

The goal of this project is to contribute to the evaluation of non-native tree species that could potentially mitigate mortality in our forests, through scalable drone-based phenotyping approaches and the assessment of mechanistic traits, such as phenological plasticity and drought stress-resistance

Long-term research on the interactions between changes in land use and climate and their consequences regarding forest health and dynamic in the pine forests at low elevation of Central Alps

The ongoing climate change has caused changes in the species composition of alpine meadows. Complementing the vegetation surveys realized in the GLORIA initiative, this project investigates the functional responses above- and belowground to abiotic drivers in alpine forb and grass species.

The microC-flux project aims at elucidating the diel dynamics of carbon within foliage of conifer trees, assessing the C-enrichment within transient starch pools of needle tissues by means of nanoSIMS imaging and modelling the opposite radial transport of water and assimilates inside of needles


Vollenweider P., Haeni M., Gisler J., Trotsiuk V., Zhu J., Schaub M. (2025) L'ozone et ses effets en forêt. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 176(2), 114-117. doi:10.3188/szf.2025.0114 Institutional Repository DORA

Ferretti M., Cailleret M., Haeni M., Trotsiuk V., Apuhtin V., Araminiene V., … Schaub M. (2024) The fingerprint of tropospheric ozone on broadleaved forest vegetation in Europe. Ecol. Indic. 158, 111486 (16 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111486 Institutional Repository DORA

Günthardt-Goerg M.S., Schläpfer R., Vollenweider P. (2023) Responses to airborne ozone and soilborne metal pollution in afforestation plants with different life forms. Plants. 12(16), 3011 (31 pp.). doi:10.3390/plants12163011 Institutional Repository DORA

Turc B., Jolivet Y., Cabané M., Schaub M., Vollenweider P. (2023) Ante- and post-mortem cellular injury dynamics in hybrid poplar foliage as a function of phytotoxic O3 dose. PLoS One. 18(3), e0282006 (20 pp.). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0282006 Institutional Repository DORA

Vollenweider P., Hildbrand G., De Masi D., Gavazov K., Zufferey V., Buttler A., von Arx G. (2023) Above‐ and belowground responses to experimental climate forcing in two forb species from montane wooded pastures in Switzerland. Funct. Ecol. 37(2), 432-446. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14212 Institutional Repository DORA

Günthardt-Goerg M.S., Vollenweider P., Schulin R. (2022) Metal accumulation and biomass production in young afforestations established on soil contaminated by heavy metals. Plants. 11(4), 523 (17 pp.). doi:10.3390/plants11040523 Institutional Repository DORA

Bachofen C., Perret‐Gentil A., Wohlgemuth T., Vollenweider P., Moser B. (2021) Phenotypic plasticity versus ecotypic differentiation under recurrent summer drought in two drought‐tolerant pine species. J. Ecol. 109(11), 3861-3876. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13762 Institutional Repository DORA

Didion‐Gency M., Bachofen C., Buchmann N., Gessler A., Morin X., Vicente E., … Grossiord C. (2021) Interactive effects of tree species mixture and climate on foliar and woody trait variation in a widely distributed deciduous tree. Funct. Ecol. 35(11), 2397-2408. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13898 Institutional Repository DORA

Turc B., Vollenweider P., Le Thiec D., Gandin A., Schaub M., Cabané M., Jolivet Y. (2021) Dynamics of foliar responses to O3 stress as a function of phytotoxic O3 dose in hybrid poplar. Front. Plant Sci. 12, 679852 (14 pp.). doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.679852 Institutional Repository DORA

Cekstere G., Osvalde A., Elferts D., Rose C., Lucas F., Vollenweider P. (2020) Salt accumulation and effects within foliage of Tilia × vulgaris trees from the street greenery of Riga, Latvia. Sci. Total Environ. 747, 140921 (17 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140921 Institutional Repository DORA

Günthardt-Goerg M.S., Vollenweider P., Rigling A. (2020) Die Eiche wehrt sich. Bündnerwald. 73(3), 32-38. Institutional Repository DORA

Günthardt-Goerg M.S., Vollenweider P., Rigling A. (2020) Les chênes, ces grands résistants. Forêt. 73(4), 16-19. Institutional Repository DORA

Timofeeva G., Treydte K., Bugmann H., Salmon Y., Rigling A., Schaub M., … Saurer M. (2020) How does varying water supply affect oxygen isotope variations in needles and tree rings of Scots pine? Tree Physiol. 40(10), 1366-1380. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpaa082 Institutional Repository DORA

Bouraoui D., Cekstere G., Osvalde A., Vollenweider P., Rasmann S. (2019) Deicing salt pollution affects the foliar traits and arthropods' biodiversity of lime trees in Riga's street greeneries. Front. Ecol. Evol. 7, 282 (13 pp.). doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00282 Institutional Repository DORA

Gottardini E., Calatayud V., Corradini S., Pitar D., Vollenweider P., Ferretti M., Schaub M. (2019) Activities to improve data quality in ozone symptom assessment within the expert panel on ambient air quality. In A. Michel, A. K. Prescher, & K. Schwärzel (Eds.), BFW-Dokumentation: Vol. 27. Forest condition in Europe 2019 technical report of ICP Forests. Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). Vienna: BFW Austrian Research Centre for Forests. 36-40. Institutional Repository DORA

Günthardt-Goerg M.S., Vollenweider P., Hermle S., Schulin R. (2019) Growth and metal accumulation of young forest trees and understorey plants on contaminated topsoil: influence of subsoil and time. Plant Soil. 437, 375-395. doi:10.1007/s11104-019-03986-2 Institutional Repository DORA

Vollenweider P., Günthardt-Goerg M.S., Menard T., Baumgarten M., Matyssek R., Schaub M. (2019) Macro- and microscopic leaf injury triggered by ozone stress in beech foliage (Fagus sylvatica L.). Ann. For. Sci. 76(3), 71 (17 pp.). doi:10.1007/s13595-019-0856-5 Institutional Repository DORA

Baêsso Moura B., Segala Alves E., Marabesi M.A., Ribeiro de Souza S., Schaub M., Vollenweider P. (2018) Ozone affects leaf physiology and causes injury to foliage of native tree species from the tropical Atlantic forest of southern Brazil. Sci. Total Environ. 610-611, 912-925. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.130 Institutional Repository DORA

Giuggiola A., Zweifel R., Feichtinger L.M., Vollenweider P., Bugmann H., Haeni M., Rigling A. (2018) Competition for water in a xeric forest ecosystem – Effects of understory removal on soil micro-climate, growth and physiology of dominant Scots pine trees. For. Ecol. Manag. 409, 241-249. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2017.11.002 Institutional Repository DORA

Ji Y., Vollenweider P., Lenz M., Schulin R., Tandy S. (2018) Can iron plaque affect Sb(III) and Sb(V) uptake by plants under hydroponic conditions. Environ. Exp. Bot. 148, 168-175. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2018.01.014 Institutional Repository DORA

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