Can forest expansion in mountain ecosystems generate a positive feedback to climate change: the unseen role of mycorrhizae


Konstantin Gavazov


Frank Hagedorn


Konstantin Gavazov
Frank Hagedorn


2018 - 2021


This research project investigates whether increased plant productivity and forest expansion in mountain areas under climate and land-use change cause shifts in the community structure and function of decomposer microorganisms and thereby accelerate the soil C cycle. Focus is laid on the activity of characteristic mycorrhizae, symbiotically associated with different vegetation types. The project evaluates diverse ecological processes from the plant to the ecosystem scale, based on mechanistic lab experiments and realistic field observations.


Kirchhoff L., Gavazov K., Blume-Werry G., Krab E.J., Lett S., Pedersen E.P., … Monteux S. (2024) Microbial community composition unaffected by mycorrhizal plant removal in sub-arctic tundra. Fungal Ecol. 69, 101342 (11 pp.). Repository DORA

Fetzer J., Moiseev P., Frossard E., Kaiser K., Mayer M., Gavazov K., Hagedorn F. (2024) Plant-soil interactions alter nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in an advancing subarctic treeline. Glob. Chang. Biol. 30(3), e17200 (18 pp.). Repository DORA

Speckert T.C., Suremann J., Gavazov K., Santos M.J., Hagedorn F., Wiesenberg G.L.B. (2023) Soil organic carbon stocks did not change after 130 years of afforestation on a former Swiss Alpine pasture. Soil. 9(2), 609-621. Institutional Repository DORA

Gavazov K., Canarini A., Jassey V.E.J., Mills R., Richter A., Sundqvist M.K., … Dorrepaal E. (2022) Plant-microbial linkages underpin carbon sequestration in contrasting mountain tundra vegetation types. Soil Biol. Biochem. 165, 108530 (13 pp.). Repository DORA

Walker T.W.N., Gavazov K., Guillaume T., Lambert T., Mariotte P., Routh D., … Alexander J.M. (2022) Lowland plant arrival in alpine ecosystems facilitates a decrease in soil carbon content under experimental climate warming. eLife. 11, 78555 (27 pp.). Repository DORA

Hagedorn F., Gavazov K., Alexander J.M. (2019) Above- and belowground linkages shape responses of mountain vegetation to climate change. Science. 365(6458), 1119-1123. Institutional Repository DORA
