Evaluation of strategic spatial plans
2016 - 2021
Project information
The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the scholarship on plan evaluation. Current evaluation studies focus on plan performance and planning process performance, rather than actual material outcomes that are of pertinent interest to land-change science. Specifically, the project reflects on the current state of knowledge in planning evaluation research and focus on three main areas: 1) landscape science, 2) green infrastructures, and 3) land degradation. The overall outcome of this project is to provide a way forward to better link planning and land-change domains, and thus advance the field of planning evaluation. This project’s study areas are urban regions. The project is part of the project "CONCUR - From Plans to Land Change".
Project focus areas
- Landscape science issues in strategic spatial plans. The main goal is to investigate to what extent landscape science issues are currently included in strategic spatial plans of European urban regions.
- Green infrastructures in strategic spatial plans. The main goal is to identify principles and distinct approaches of green infrastructures planning that are followed in strategic plans of European urban regions
- Land degradation in strategic spatial plans. The main goal is to identify best practices, programs and instruments used to avoiding, reducing and reversing land degradation in European and North America urban regions.
Project research methods
- Multi-case study approach.
- Document content analysis.
Parent project ¶
CONCUR Project
Publications ¶
Grădinaru, S.R.; Hersperger, A.M., 2018: Green infrastructure in strategic spatial plans: evidence from European urban regions. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, (12 pp.). doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2018.04.018
Pagliarin, S., 2018: Linking processes and patterns: spatial planning, governance and urban sprawl in the Barcelona and Milan metropolitan regions. Urban Studies, 19 pp.. doi: 10.1177/0042098017743668
Related projects ¶
- Tools for integrating planning in land change models
Financing ¶
Swiss National Science Foundation ERC TBS Consolidator Grant BSCGIO 157789