INSIghtForest: IN SItu tracking of water fluxes in Forest ecosystems through novel high-resolution monitoring of stable water isotopes


Katrin Di Bella Meusburger


Arthur Gessler


Arthur Gessler
Marco Lehmann
Matthias Saurer


2023 - 2025

Kooperation Finanzierung

INSIghtForest will accompany the Cost Action WATSON "WATer isotopeS in the critical zONeproposes" by establishing a unique data set of high frequency in-situ measured water isotopes located in a long-term irrigation experiment in the naturally dry valley of Valais, Switzerland. Unlike many other manipulation experiments or long-term forest monitoring sites, we can take advantage of mature trees and the possibility to label the system and increase water potential- and isotopic gradients. The isotope dataset will be analyzed with a mechanistic data assimilation approach using a newly Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) model recently advanced by an isotopic transport module (outcome of my SNSF project no. 185093). Ultimately, the foreseen deliverables of the project will advance our understanding of root water uptake plasticity that, in combination with an SVAT parameter set, can be used to upscale climatic impact on forest health and acclimation potential.
