Knowledge Co-Production on Future Climate-change-induced Mass-movement Risks in Alpine Regions
Raphael Gaus, Elisabeth Maidl, Johannes Heeb
2022 - 2024
Kooperation Finanzierung
The interdependence of climate change and natural hazard goes along with large uncertainties regarding future risks. Regional stakeholders, experts in natural hazards management and scientists have specific knowledge, resp. mental models on such risks. This diversity of views makes it difficult to find common and broadly accepted prevention measures. If the specific knowledge of these types of actors is, however, exchanged shared in an interactive knowledge production process, this enables a broader and common better shared understanding of complex risks, and allows to agree on long-term solution strategies. The project tests and evaluates the feasibility of knowledge co-creation for the anticipatory prevention of climate change-induced mass movement risks in two Alpine
valleys, the Göschenen valley in the Canton of Uri, and the Saas valley in the Canton of Valais.