SwissPhenocam: country-scale automated phenology tracking from imagery

The objective of the SwissPhenocam project is to develop and implement an automated phenology monitoring tool that will deliver added-value climate services regarding plant phenological responses to ongoing climate change and the carbon and water cycles. We are proposing an interdisciplinary approach based on innovative observations aimed at better understanding plant phenology across Switzerland. Combining in-situ and remote sensing observations, as well as integrating them in modeling frameworks and reanalyses will close a critical observational gap of ECVs and allow long-term traceability at local, regional, and national scales. Using the existing network of Roundshot webcam imagery from MeteoSwiss (25 sites) and potential third party cameras (about 100 sites) we aim at tracking phenological states of target plants which will also allow for a web-based, effective climate communication tool to society.
