Monokotyledonen - Datenbank anatomischer Bilder

0400-0403 Carex liparocarpos

First Collector NA
Collection Date 2012-05-22
Country Switzerland
Province Valais
Latitude NA
Longitude NA
Altitude 600
Habitat Perennial. dry meadow, hill zone.

Anatomical description of culm

Culm-diameter 0.5-1 mm, center full, radius of culm in relation to wall thickness 1:1. Otline triangular, obtusely. Culm-center full, containing unlignified cells. Center with net-like aerenchyma (stellate). Epidermis cells inside thin, peripheral thicke

Anatomical description of rhyzom

Rhizome diameter 1-1.99 mm, Rhizome center full, containing lignified cells. Endodermis cells thick walled all around. Cells in the cortex round. Vascular bundles in the cortex absent. Vascular bundles in central cylinde dispersed arranged. Vascular bund

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