Monokotyledonen - Datenbank anatomischer Bilder

653542 Puccinelia distans

First Collector Hájek,M.
Collection Date 2014-06-27
Country Kazakhstan
Province Aqmola
Latitude 51.573333333°
Longitude 73.132222222°
Altitude 440
Habitat Wet saline grassland on a valley bottom

Anatomical description of culm

Cross-section round. Outline smooth. Culm center filled. Recognizable epidermis cells. Large vascular bundles in one row. Solitary large vascular bundles. Sclerenchymatic sheath around vascular bundles with 1-3 cells. Small triangular or rectangular cavit

Anatomical description of leaf

Outline wavy. Upper epidermis cells in one row. Vascular bundles centered between the upper and lower side of the leaf. Girders extending from the vascular bundle to the lower side of the leaf.

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