Distinguished Lectures

Öffentliche, wissenschaftliche Vortragsreihe mit externen Rednerinnen und Rednern. Zielgruppe sind Wissenschafterinnen und Wissenschafter, Studierende sowie die interessierte Öffentlichkeit. 

Die Vorträge werden je nach Austragungsort an die WSL in Birmensdorf oder ans SLF in Davos per Video in den Hörsaal übertragen. Alle Vorträge sind öffentlich. Wird der Vortrag via Zoom veranstaltet, finden Sie den Link kurz vorher unter der einzelnen Veranstaltung.

Flyer 2024/2025

Flyer 2023/2024

Flyer 2022/2023

4. März 2025

Landscapes receive water from rain and snow, and then release it as "blue water" that flows downward to streams and "green water" that flows upward to vegetation

1. April 2025

Despite increasing scientific knowledge and the implementation of hazard and risk management strategies, mountain societies continue to be affected by high loss events (e.g. events Grison, Valais, Ticino in the summer 2024).

15. April 2025

For several decades now, the invasive ascomycete fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus has caused a serious, steady population decline of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) across Europe. This decline in ash populations in Sweden caused the species to become Red-listed in 2010, and since 2015 its status has only worsened to become critically endangered.

29. April 2025

There is a growing consensus that business-as-usual approaches to sustainability are inadequate to address urgent problems such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Yet how do we transform at the rate, scale, speed, and depth that is called for by researchers, decision makers, and activists?

6. Mai 2025

Many cities worldwide have introduced densification strategies. Yet, the current implementation of densification brings many challenges for a just and socio-ecological urban development, particularly regarding the displacement of lower-income residents, high CO2-emissions stemming from building activities, and the rather low democratic acceptance of densification. In this talk, I will exemplify these challenges and outline potential strategies towards a fair and sustainable densification.

3. Juni 2025

In recent years, the availability of Earth observation data from satellites has increased dramatically, allowing for systematic and global monitoring of Earth's surface processes at an unprecedented scale.

4. November 2025

Europe’s forests are under increasing pressure from climate extremes, requiring better monitoring of changing forest dynamics.


Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf

WSL-Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung SLF
Flüelastrasse 11, 7260 Davos Dorf
