Biodiversity Seminar: Forest Soil Biodiversity and Its Implications for Ecosystem Function



WSL Birmensdorf, LG E5

Organisiert von:

Nadia Castro Izaguirre, WSL


Mark Anthony, WSL


Catherine Graham, WSL




Presentations and colloquia


Anyone interested in the topics


What is soil biodiversity and why should we care about it? In this seminar, I will discuss the magnitude of soil biodiversity and its importance for broad earth system functioning. I will characterize European forest soil biodiversity with a focus on bacteria and fungi, the two most diverse groups in forest soils. Finally, I will discuss how forest soil biodiversity is linked to forest biogeochemistry across Europe.

About the speaker

My name is Mark Anthony – my pronouns are he/him - and I am an Ambizione fellow at WSL. I am primarily a fungal and ecosystem ecologist, but I like to dip my toes in the waters of forest ecology more generally.

Biodiversity Seminars

Our seminars are hybrid. Please send an email to events-biodiversity(at) if you would like to get access to the live stream.

The Biodiversity Seminar Series are organized by the WSL Biodiversity Center. Every two weeks, we aim to host a seminar speaker that presents research or outreach on topics relevant to the biodiversity community at WSL. The seminars are public and are usually broadcasted online.

Find out more about the WSL Biodiversity Center and a complete list of events here.

Please send an email to events-biodiversity(at) if you would like to be updated on the activities of the WSL Biodiversity Center.

How to get here

Zürcherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf

By public transport

Bus stop Birmensdorf ZH, Sternen/WSL

Accessible by bus lines 220 and 350 via Wiedikon/Triemli or via Birmensdorf station with S-Bahn lines 5 and 14.

By car

See map on or Google Maps

You'll find guest parking spaces (for a fee) behind the main building after passing the main entrance.

