Institutional 01.07.2024
First spin-off at the SLF
First spin-off at the SLF

The RAMMS software for modeling avalanches, debris flows and rockfalls is being incorporated into a specially founded AG.

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Institutional 14.06.2024
New director
New director

The Federal Council has appointed Rolf Holderegger as the new director of WSL.

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Research 27.05.2024
Participatory science improves plant mapping
Participatory science improves plant mapping

A new tool from the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL shows where plant species occur in Switzerland today and in the future.

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Research 08.05.2024
25 years ago: May floods in Switzerland
25 years ago: May floods in Switzerland

25 years ago, the Central Plateau was flooded: a retrospective view on the May floods of 1999, their causes, and consequences.

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Research for people and the environment in a changing world



Machine learning helps researchers to use weather stations to investigate the consequences of climate change for the growth of alpine vegetation.

Services and products

Understanding and improving biodiversity in the city: Read in the new DIAGONAL magazine how WSL is contributing to this.


Getting the most out of genetic data - to enable this, a WSL-led team is calling for standards in archiving.


Quantitative scientific recommendations aim to create new ecological infrastructures to protect amphibians.


Artificial intelligence can boost economic growth in a way that can harm the environment. Carte blanche with Irmi Seidl.

Services and products

TreeMig simulates the migration of tree species, and more. Thanks to the new user interface and R package, modelling is now easier.


18 to 25 August 2024

Is early browning in European forests a harbinger of tree death or simply a sign of temporary stress? In 2018, science could not answer this…

23 August 2024

Die ibW Maienfeld und die WSL bieten zwei Weiterbildungen zum Thema Seilkranprojektierung an. Im Einführungskurs Seilaplan und QGIS…

26 to 31 August 2024

The WSL Biodiversity Center is pleased to announce their second summer school on blue-green biodiversity.