Courses and further education

We offer internal and external courses and continuing education in a wide variety of disciplines on an ongoing basis. Contact information can be found under the respective course.

10 to 11 April 2025

Flechten begegnet man auf Schritt und Tritt - vom Vorgarten bis auf die höchsten Berggipfel. Sie sind gute Indikatoren, beispielsweise zur Bestimmung der Luftgüte. Dieser Kurs gibt Einblick in die Biologie, Ökologie und die Bestimmung von Flechten. Anhand von ausgewählten Flechten werden die wichtigsten Merkmale zur Bestimmung von Flechten eingeführt. Wir werden auf Flechtenpirsch gehen, das gesammelte Material unter dem Binokular anschauen und mithilfe von Fachliteratur bestimmen.

5 June 2025

With this course, participants will be able to expand or update their knowledge of the basics of applied conservation genetics. The aim is to close knowledge gaps, learn about potential and limitations, avoid misunderstandings and lay the foundation for future Swiss conservation genetics projects.

24 to 29 August 2025

The WSL Biodiversity Center is pleased to announce the third summer school on blue-green biodiversity.

25 to 29 August 2025

Forest cover and ecosystem services are increasingly threatened by uncertainties, amplified by climate change. Together with experts from France, Germany, and Switzerland, we will explore key questions: How will forests evolve in the future? How can forest management sustain forests and their functions?

29 August - 5 September 2025

We are pleased to announce the 35th European Dendroecological Fieldweek, will take place from August 29 to September 5 2025. This event will be held in the town of Son (Spain) at the heart of the Catalan Pyrenees, within the Alt Pirineu Natural Park, a unique reserve showcasing the natural and cultural heritage of the Pyrenees.

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