Experimental tree nursery

Our experimental tree nursery produces forest seeds, cultivates forest trees for research and forest practice and oversees the near-natural site at WSL.


The support and advice for the managers of public forest nurseries as well as the cantonal forestry services are of great importance for the experimental nursery. As there is no specific training course for forest gardeners, individual and targeted support is required in the entire field of forest plant breeding.

These contacts with the field are very important and interesting for us, as they provide us with valuable information and feedback. Occasionally, forest warden apprentices, foresters and forest engineers also help out in the experimental nursery during an internship. There are no alternatives to the WSL experimental nursery in Switzerland.

Seed brokering

In cooperation with the Advisory Service for Forest Reproductive Material of the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, the Experimental Nursery at WSL has established a national seed agency that offers forestry operations high-quality seed from Swiss forests instead of foreign origins. The wide range of different provenances is intended to contribute to the conservation and promotion of rare tree and shrub species and to the preservation of genetic diversity in our country (biodiversity).

The project therefore also serves research in this field. The close cooperation with the private forest nursery operators yields mutual experience in the entire field of forest seed production.

