Debris-flow observation station

Since 2000 the WSL has been observing naturally-occurring debris flows in the Illgraben, an exceptionally active catchment located near the village of Susten (Leuk), in Canton Valais. The site is equipped with measuring instruments that are used to collect information that improve our understanding of debris flows.

Research at Illgraben

Researchers are studying debris flows in the Illgraben in detail: they are measuring the flow height, and the vibrations and forces exerted by debris flows. From this, the density of the debris flow mixture and the volume of an event are calculated. Various sensors and measuring devices are installed in and around the channel for this purpose. In various projects, the researchers have improved the understanding of debris flows.

Radar sensors and video cameras are mounted on cables above the channel. Some of the cameras are connected to a floodlight for night-time recording. The radar sensors are used to measure the flow height in the channel. Geophones along the channel register vibrations, which are used to estimate flow velocities. Sensors buried near the initiation area measure soil moisture and help explain how debris flows start moving. A debris flow force plate measures the vertical and horizontal forces generated by debris flows.

As part of an innovative project, 3D LiDAR scanners are being used to make images of debris flows. Individual particles of wood or boulders are being tracked, and the local flow depth, flow-surface speed, and discharge are calculated. The researchers use this information to learn about movement within a debris flow.

Seismometers record the vibrations generated by debris flows. They also register mass movements in parts of the catchment that are difficult to reach and where it is not possible to install instruments. They detect debris flows extremely quickly. Using intelligent algorithms that analyse the seismic data in real time, WSL is testing new approaches for alarm systems.

Drone surveys are also being carried out in the Illgraben. Unlike other methods (such as terrestrial laser scanners), drones can cover large areas in a short amount of time. This remote sensing data is used to record changes, such as erosion by landslides or deposition, on the slopes of the catchment.

Assessing dangers

Data generated at Illgraben is also being used by external partners. For example, researchers at Durham University have developed a debris flow erosion model. This is now integrated into the RAMMS:Debrisflow software package. RAMMS simulates the flow of debris flows and is used worldwide to assess hazards and provide a basis for planning protection measures.

Data availability

The main results of the measurements at Illgraben are available on the WSL’s research data portal EnviDAT, and will be updated periodically as methods to interpret the data improve. Publications describing the data, methods, and results are available on DORA and linked below.

Frequent debris flows

While debris flows are rather rare elsewhere, Illgraben has an average of three to five per year. This makes the Illgraben a particularly useful research site. The geological formations and structures in the initiation area, which is characterised by steep slopes and abundant sediment, favour debris flow formation. François Dufour explains how in this short video.

WSL publications

Debris flows and hillslope debris flows endanger people and property in mountainous regions. Within the framework of integral risk management, structural, organizational, or nature-based protection measures can be used, in addition to the considerations of natural hazards in spatial planning.

WSL Berichte 1132021
Available languages: GermanFrenchEnglish

From the focus: NATURE DETERMINES WHEN THINGS GET UNDERWAY. What happens inside a debris flow? When does a stream transport rock and debris? Large-scale experiments in mountain streams provide answers.

WSL Magazine Diagonal 16/12016
Available languages: GermanEnglishFrench

Der vorliegende Bericht fasst die Erkenntnisse zusammen, die auf der Anwendung des Programms sedFlow in fünf Gebirgsflüssen der Schweiz basieren. sedFlow wurde zur eindimensionalen Simulation des Geschiebetransportes in steilen Gerinnen entwickelt.

WSL Berichte 242015
Available languages: German

Dieser Bericht fasst die Resultate eines Forschungsprojekts zusammen, das zum Ziel hatte, ein Konzept für flexible Murgangbarrieren zu entwickeln. Das Konzept beinhaltet Laborversuche, voll instrumentierte Feldinstallationen und die entsprechenden numerischen Simulationen.

WSL Berichte 82014
Available languages: German

Aus dem Schwerpunkt: DOPPELPASS. David Bresch, Global Head Sustainability bei der Swiss Re: «Das Risikomanagement beginnt bei der Wahrnehmung des Risikos.»

WSL-Magazin Diagonal 14/12014
Available languages: GermanFrench

Scientific publications

Bolliger D., Schlunegger F., McArdell B.W. (2024) Comparison of debris flow observations, including fine-sediment grain size and composition and runout model results, at Illgraben, Swiss Alps. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 24(3), 1035-1049. Institutional Repository DORA

Aaron J., Spielmann R., McArdell B.W., Graf C. (2023) High‐frequency 3D LIDAR measurements of a debris flow: a novel method to investigate the dynamics of full‐scale events in the field. Geophys. Res. Lett. 50(5), e2022GL102373 (10 pp.). Repository DORA

Belli G., Walter F., McArdell B., Gheri D., Marchetti E. (2022) Infrasonic and seismic analysis of febris-flow events at Illgraben (Switzerland): Relating signal features to flow parameters and to the seismo-acoustic source mechanism. J. Geophys. Res. F. 127(6), e2021JF006576 (20 pp.). Repository DORA

Hirschberg J., McArdell B.W., Bennett G.L., Molnar P. (2022) Numerical investigation of sediment‐yield underestimation in supply‐limited mountain basins with short records. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49(7), e2021GL096440 (10 pp.). Repository DORA

Meyrat G., McArdell B., Ivanova K., Müller C., Bartelt P. (2022) A dilatant, two-layer debris flow model validated by flow density measurements at the Swiss illgraben test site. Landslides. 19, 265-276. Institutional Repository DORA

Walter F., Hodel E., Mannerfelt E.S., Cook K., Dietze M., Estermann L., … Molnar P. (2022) Brief communication: an autonomous UAV for catchment-wide monitoring of a debris flow torrent. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 22(12), 4011-4018. Institutional Repository DORA

Walter F., Chmiel M., Hovius N. (2022) Debris flows at Illgraben, Switzerland - from seismic wiggles to machine learning. Geomech. Tunnel. 15(5), 671-675. Institutional Repository DORA

Wenner M., Allstadt K., Thelen W., Lockhart A., Hirschberg J., McArdell B.W., Walter F. (2022) Seismometer records of ground tilt induced by debris flows. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer. 112(5), 2376-2395. Institutional Repository DORA

Chmiel M., Walter F., Wenner M., Zhang Z., McArdell B.W., Hibert C. (2021) Machine learning improves debris flow warning. Geophys. Res. Lett. 48(3), e2020GL090874 (11 pp.). Repository DORA

Hirschberg J., Fatichi S., Bennett G.L., McArdell B.W., Peleg N., Lane S.N., … Molnar P. (2021) Climate change impacts on sediment yield and debris-flow activity in an alpine catchment. J. Geophys. Res. F. 126(1), e2020JF005739 (26 pp.). Repository DORA

Hirschberg J., Badoux A., McArdell B.W., Leonarduzzi E., Molnar P. (2021) Evaluating methods for debris-flow prediction based on rainfall in an Alpine catchment. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 21(9), 2773-2789. Institutional Repository DORA

McArdell B.W., Sartori M. (2021) The Illgraben torrent system. In E. Reynard (Ed.), World geomorphological landscapes. Landscapes and landforms of Switzerland. Cham: Springer. 367-378. Institutional Repository DORA

Zhang Z., Walter F., McArdell B.W., de Haas T., Wenner M., Chmiel M., He S. (2021) Analyzing bulk flow characteristics of debris flows using their high frequency seismic signature. J. Geophys. Res. B. 126(12), e2021JB022755 (19 pp.). Repository DORA

Zhang Z., Walter F., McArdell B.W., Wenner M., Chmiel M., de Haas T., He S. (2021) Insights from the particle impact model into the high-frequency seismic signature of debris flows. Geophys. Res. Lett. 48(1), e2020GL088994 (11 pp.). Repository DORA

de Haas T., Nijland W., McArdell B.W., Kalthof M.W.M.L. (2021) Case report: optimization of topographic change detection with UAV structure-from-motion photogrammetry through survey co-alignment. Front. Remote Sens. 2, 626810 (9 pp.). Repository DORA

de Haas T., Nijland W., de Jong S.M., McArdell B.W. (2020) How memory effects, check dams, and channel geometry control erosion and deposition by debris flows. Sci. Rep. 10(1), 14024 (8 pp.). Repository DORA

Marchetti E., Walter F., Barfucci G., Genco R., Wenner M., Ripepe M., … Price C. (2019) Infrasound array analysis of debris flow activity and implication for early warning. J. Geophys. Res. F. 124(2), 567-587. Institutional Repository DORA

Walter F., Burtin A., McArdell B.W., Hovius N., Weder B., Turowski J.M. (2017) Testing seismic amplitude source location for fast debris-flow detection at Illgraben, Switzerland. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 17(6), 939-955. Institutional Repository DORA

McArdell B.W. (2016) Field measurements of forces in debris flows at the Illgraben: implications for channel-bed erosion. Int. J. Eros. Control Eng. 9(4), 194-198. Institutional Repository DORA

Schürch P., Densmore A.L., Ivy-Ochs S., Rosser N.J., Kober F., Schlunegger F., … Alfimov V. (2016) Quantitative reconstruction of late Holocene surface evolution on an alpine debris-flow fan. Geomorphology. 275, 46-57. Institutional Repository DORA

Bennett G.L., Molnar P., McArdell B.W., Schlunegger F., Burlando P. (2013) Patterns and controls of sediment production, transfer and yield in the Illgraben. Geomorphology. 188, 68-82. Institutional Repository DORA

Bennett G.L., Molnar P., Eisenbeiss H., McArdell B.W. (2012) Erosional power in the Swiss Alps: characterization of slope failure in the Illgraben. Earth Surf. Process. Landf. 37(15), 1627-1640. Institutional Repository DORA

Berger C., McArdell B.W., Schlunegger F. (2011) Direct measurement of channel erosion by debris flows, Illgraben, Switzerland. J. Geophys. Res. F. 116, F01002 (18 pp.). Repository DORA

Berger C., McArdell B.W., Schlunegger F. (2011) Sediment transfer patterns at the Illgraben catchment, Switzerland: Implications for the time scales of debris flow activities. Geomorphology. 125(3), 421-432. Institutional Repository DORA

Schürch P., Densmore A.L., Rosser N.J., McArdell B.W. (2011) Dynamic controls on erosion and deposition on debris-flow fans. Geology. 39(9), 827-830. Institutional Repository DORA

Badoux A., Graf C., Rhyner J., Kuntner R., McArdell B.W. (2009) A debris-flow alarm system for the Alpine Illgraben catchment: design and performance. Nat. Hazards. 49(3), 517-539. Institutional Repository DORA

McArdell B., Bartelt P., Kowalski J. (2007) Field observations of basal forces and fluid pore pressure in a debris flow. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34(7), 1-4. Institutional Repository DORA


Seismometers detect extremely weak ground unrest. We leverage this sensitivity with intelligent algorithms to design detection schemes for avalanches, debris flows, rock falls and other catastrophic Alpine mass movements.

Alpine regions are subject to dangerous rapid mass movements like debris flows, avalanches and rock falls. Applying intelligent algorithms to seismograms of such events we propose to increase warning and monitoring capabilities.

This project aims at assessing the contribution of sediment erosion from steep slopes adjacent to channel beds to the sediment transport in small catchments.

Landslides and debris flows are hazardous phenomenon in Switzerland and worldwide. We combine field measurements, numerical modelling and laboratory experiments to further our mechanistic understanding of the motion of these types of mass movements.

External projects

Framework for Process Cascade Modelling of Rapid Mass Movements

The CCAMM II project at SLF investigates the influence of climate change on alpine mass movements and the associated new challenges. As part of work package 4.3, the researchers are using the Illgraben for testing. They want to find out how to include soil moisture in the prediction of mass movement runoff.


In this project, surface exposure dating of sediments at the Illgraben and in the Rhone River will be used to constrain long-term sediment discharge from the Illgraben. The Illgraben will also serve as a comparative catchment for the other study sites in this interdisciplinary project. WSL Contact: Brian McArdell

NWO VENI - Impact or shear?

The aim of this project at Utrecht University is to decipher the mechanisms of bed erosion through experiments and field measurements. This will allow a more accurate estimation of the volume of debris flows, which will allow a better prediction of the hazards and a better mitigation. The project is also described by a video. WSL Contact: Brian McArdell


In this project, which also involves USGS hydrologist Dr. Ben Mirus, we will investigate how debris flows and landslides are triggered in the upper watershed. We are also interested in how water in the channel bed entrains sediments in debris flows - a process that can significantly increase the hazard posed by debris flows.


