During the last 50 years a wealth of data on the hydrology, nutrient dynamics, morphology and meteorological conditions of the Alptal valley and in particular of three first-order torrent catchments has been collected. These data are open available and can be used by researchers and students for their own studies.

Data directly available at envidat.ch

The most important variables of the hydrometeorological longterm monitoring in the Alptal valley can be directly downloaded - as daily mean values for the period 1968-2017 - from the WSL data portal envidat.ch.

Also directly available are snow measurements that have been acquired manually at more than 15 locations across the Alptal valley (weekly to monthly) during the last fifty years.

-> direct link to the data download

Data directly available at naduf.ch

Weekly data on the water quality of the three torrents Vogelbach, Erlenbach and Lümpenenbach (since 2003) can be downloaded directly from the website of the National River Monitoring and Survey Programme (NADUF).

Data available on request

The longterm hydrometeorological measurements of the three torrent catchments Erlenbach, Vogelbach and Lümpenenbach are also available at sub-daily resolution (e.g. as 10-min mean values since 1984) and can be made available upon special request.

In addition, specific data on bedload transport, groundwater dynamics, nutrient dynamics, isotope hydrology and more are available and can be requested directly from the responsible researchers.

Bedload transport: Dieter Rickenmann (WSL)

Isotope hydrology: James Kirchner (ETH Zurich)

Groundwater- and runoff within the catchments: Ilja Van Meerveld (University Zürich)

Nutrient dynamics of forest and soil: Patrick Schleppi (WSL)

Special requests catchment runoff and weather: Luzi Bernhard (WSL)