Advisory Board

The WSL Advisory Board is an advisory body pursuant to Art. 13 of the ETH Board Ordinance on the Research Institutes of the ETH Domain. It consists of eleven persons from research and implementation. Each member is elected for a term of four years. As a rule, the WSL Advisory Board meets every one or two years for several days. At this meeting, upcoming strategic as well as planned and ongoing research projects are discussed.

Advisory Board Current Members

  • Marcus Caduff
    Regierungsrat Kanton Graubünden
  • Dr. Josef Hess
    Regierungsrat Kanton Obwalden
  • Dr. John Innes
    The University of British Columbia
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas M. Kääb
    University of Oslo
  • Prof. Dr. Cordula Kropp
    Universität Stuttgart
  • Prof. Dr. Anette Menzel
    Technische Universität München
  • Dr. Thomas H. Painter
    California Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Paul Steffen
    Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Stocker
    University of Bern
  • Prof. Dr. Monica Turner
    The University Wisconsin

