Office of the Director

The office of the director supports the WSL Directorate in conceptual, scientific and operational matters.

Head Office of the Director

Strategic planning for science, coordination of higher-level scientific projects, lead program EnviDat, Open Science

Assistant to the Director

Administration Director's office, scheduling, meeting preparations and minutes, project database, management manual


Strategy, scientific analyses and syntheses for the attention of the Directorate, annual report, statements, data protection, Open Science, Open Research Data

Research Programme Extremes, NCCS-Impacts, Energy Research, Knowledge and Technology Transfer 

Research funding, project office and contract management

Research funding, project office, drafting and reviewing contracts (e.g. project contracts, KTT contracts), institutional statements

Scientific controlling

Internal and external scientific reporting, management processes and tools, indicators/key figures WSL, forecasting science, project office, research funding

Environment and Safety

Environmental management, occupational safety, chemical safety, biosafety, risk management, insurance, archives, data protection, publicity law


Occupational Safety Advisor

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Institutional development and consulting

Human Resources and Organisational Development, Equal Opportunities, Contact Point for WSL and SLF, Ombuds Office for Scientific Integrity WSL
