Biodiversity and Conservation Biology

The research unit Biodiversity and Conservation Biology studies the diversity of life in its various forms, from genetic diversity to the diversity of species and ecosystems as well as their interactions. In collaboration with partners such as federal, cantonal and local authorities, we elaborate scientific knowledge for management strategies for the conservation of biodiversity and the preservation of natural resources in Switzerland and internationally.


The pilot project GENSCOP establishes a network of experts in applied conservation genetics. This platform, co-financed by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), is primarily directed towards the cantonal authorities for solving questions on applied conservation genetics.

We investigate the role of hybridization in climate adaptation using the white oak species complex as a study system, with a special focus on Austria and Southeastern Europe.

TAMERS will assess the role of information flow and trust between scientists and practitioners, and develop recommendations for communicating assisted migration strategies at a European scale.

Fungi are central to the functioning of ecosystems. Despite their demonstrable importance, fungi have so far been neglected in biodiversity conservation. This project contributes to the knowledge of the diversity of fungi in Europe and thus improves the basis for their protection.

The Translational Centre Biodiversity Conservation aims to bridge gaps between research and practice. Experts from research and practice work together in working groups to process knowledge into practical synthesis products.

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Services and products

The project "Monitoring the Effectiveness of Habitat Conservation in Switzerland" aims to determine whether habitats of national importance (dry meadows and pastures, alluvial areas, bogs and fens, amphibian breeding sites) are changing according to their conservation targets and maintaining the same surface area and quality.

BatScope allows to consistently import recordings from BATLOGGERs (and other devices), the structured storage of these data in projects and recording events, visual control of the recordings (spectrograms), and the automated recognition of the calling bat species.

In the national data and information centre SwissFungi, we compile collection data and environmental data on the species of fungus that exist in Switzerland, and thereby document spatial and temporal changes in their populations. SwissFungi provides the basis for implementing conservation measures for fungus.

In the national data and information centre SwissLichens, we compile data on lichen habitats and their ecology, and in doing so document spatial and temporal changes in their populations in Switzerland. SwissLichens provides the basis for implementing conservation measures for lichens.

The book "Flora indicativa" includes ecological indicator values and biological characteristics of around 5500 vascular plant species, 600 moss species and 200 lichen species of the flora of Switzerland and the Alps. The extensive main tables are digitally available.

The combination trap for flying insects is a combination of a window trap and a yellow pan trap.


Araujo M.L., Gabriel S. S. Ferreira L., Nakamura G., Túlio P. Coelho M., Rangel T.F. (2025) 'treesliceR': a package for slicing phylogenies and inferring phylogenetic patterns over evolutionary time. Ecography. 2025(1), e07364 (9 pp.). doi:10.1111/ecog.07364 Institutional Repository DORA

Auf der Maur B., Brännhage J., Oggier A., Gross A. (2025) Der Zitronenseitling und die Risiken verwilderter Zuchtpilze. Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer (Familie: Pleurotaceae). Factsheet Neomyceten. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 5 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Auf der Maur B., Brännhage J., Oggier A., Gross A. (2025) Pleuroto dorato e i rischi dei funghi coltivati inselvatichiti. Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer (famiglia: Pleurotaceae). Schede informative sui Neomiceti. Birmensdorf: Istituto federale di ricerca per la foresta, la neve e il paesaggio WSL. 5 p. Institutional Repository DORA

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Das Beispiel der Verhüllenden Korallenflechte zeigt, wie der Schutz einer Flechtenart und die Erhaltung der natürlichen Flussdynamik in Auenlandschaften Hand in Hand gehen können.

Merkblatt für die Praxis 732023
Available languages: GermanFrenchItalian

Research Groups and Staff

Biodiversity and Conservation Biology

Kurt Bollmann

Interim Head of Research Unit

Fabio Bontadina

Visiting scientist

Samuel Jacques Castonguay


Thomas Hertach

Visiting scientist

Markus Holzner

Visiting scientist

Maeve Lin

Visiting scientist

Felix Morsdorf

Visiting scientist

Martin Obrist

Temporary employee

Rea Magdalena Pärli

Research Associate / Manager in TCBC

Christoph Scheidegger

Senior Scientist, Visiting scientist

Petr Vlcek

Visiting scientist

Evolutionary genetics

Katalin Csillery

Group leader

Marjorie Bison

Visiting scientist

Justine Charlet de Sauvage


Yohann Chauvier

Visiting scientist

Aron Eggenberger

Temporary employee

Aurélien Estarague


Azzurra Pistone

PhD student

Boris Rantasa

PhD student guest

Daniella Maria Schweizer

Scientific staff member

Camilla Stefanini

PhD student

Fabian Suter

Temporary employee

Leo Zeitler


Ecosystem Dynamics

Ariel Bergamini

Group leader

Angéline Bedolla


Irene Bisang

Visiting scientist

Steffen Boch

Scientific staff member

Irene Bühlmann

Temporary employee

Francesco Caponi

Visiting scientist

Roman Dirnberger

Master student

Klaus Ecker

Scientific staff member

Sabine Franziska Fink

Scientific staff member

David Johannes Frey

Visiting scientist

Jeremias Julien Gisler


Ulrich Graf

Visiting scientist

Ilaria Rita Guiducci

PhD student

Helen Küchler

Visiting scientist

Meinrad Küchler

Visiting scientist

Hugo Timothée Lehmann


Nino Melgar

Master student

Tobias Moser

Technical specialist

Juliana Oliveira

PhD student

Alessandro Pasini

Civilian service employees

Markus Peintinger

Visiting scientist

Noémie Pichon

Scientific staff member

Francesca Pittino

Visiting scientist

Sinziana Florina Rivera Rocabado


Martin Schütz

Temporary employee

Hallie Seiler

Master student

Anina Wacker

PhD student

Conservation Biology

Marco Moretti

Group leader

Bruno Auf der Maur

Scientific assistant

Stefan Blaser

Technical staff member

Jonas Brännhage

Scientific assistant

Tala Bürki

Visiting scientist

Joan Casanelles Abella

Visiting scientist

Merin Reji Chacko


Mathieu Cretton

Scientific assistant

Peter Duelli

Visiting scientist

Markus Gabathuler

Technical specialist

Ninetta Elena Graf

Technical staff member

Andrin Gross

Scientific staff member

Dominik Andrin Hummel

Technical specialist

Christine Keller

Scientific staff member

Arthur Knecht

Temporary employee / Scientific staff member

Emiliano Medici

Visiting scientist

Gregor Mühlematter

Temporary employee

Cécile Nyffeler

Software engineer

Marie-Lou Pijnenburg

Visiting scientist

Franziska Richter


Sebastian Richard Ruile

PhD student

Elia Sartoris

Temporary employee

Markus Schlegel

Scientific staff member

Jan Schneeberger

Lab technician

Beatrice Senn

Visiting scientist

Silvia Stofer

Scientific staff member

Sindhura Stothra Bhashyam

Temporary employee

Nils Thomann


Artemis Diana Treindl

Visiting scientist

Jan Vigués Jorba

PhD student

Lucia Villarroya-Villalba

Assistante scientifique

Gesa von Hirschheydt

Scientific staff member

Ecological Genetics

Martina Peter

Group leader

Sabine Brodbeck

Technical staff member

Corine Buser-Schöbel

Scientific staff member

Gözde Cilingir

Scientific staff member

Supriyo Dalui

Visiting scientist

Benjamin Dauphin

Scientific staff member

Félix Fracchia

Visiting scientist

René Graf

Technical staff member

Christine Grossen

Scientific staff member

Felix Gugerli Künzle

Senior Scientist

Celine Kalberer

Visiting scientist

Evangelia Kolovou

Software engineer

Deborah Marie Leigh

Visiting scientist

Simone McNamara

Visiting scientist

Seraina Nohl

Temporary employee

Lars Opgenoorth

Visiting scientist

Aksel Palsson

Scientific staff member

Christian Rellstab

Scientific staff member

Mara Wieser

Lab technician

Felix Zimmermann

PhD student

Spatial Evolutionary Ecology
