Ecological Genetics

Head: Dr. Martina Peter

Head: Dr. Martina Peter

We study ecological processes in populations of plants, mycorrhizal fungi and animals with molecular-genetic methods and supplement them with experimental approaches. We mainly investigate species that are relevant for Switzerland owing to their function in ecosystems, their distributional focus or their conservation status. We describe how plants of the Alpine region evolve to adapt to changing environmental conditions (adaptation). As important symbiosis partners of our forest trees, we investigate mycorrhizal fungi, their adaptation to tree partners and local conditions, and their significance for the stability of forest ecosystems in a changing environment. We study how landscape features impact the dispersal and connectivity of organisms and their populations and how land use affects rare plant and animal species (conservation genetics).



Short film to introduce the new Globi non-fiction book "Globi and the Microbes": We dive with Globi into the WWW of nature - the fungus network in the forest (Wood-Wide-Web). Martina Peter explains to Globi, Atlant & Arin what role mushrooms play in the forest. 03.05.2022, 9:02min



Ecological Genetics

Martina Peter


Alicja Agnieszka Babst-Kostecka

Visiting scientist

Lia Baumann

Master student

Sabine Brodbeck

Technical staff member

Corine Buser-Schöbel

Scientific staff member

Gözde Cilingir

Scientific staff member

Benjamin Dauphin

Scientific staff member

Félix Fracchia


René Graf

Technical staff member

Christine Grossen

Scientific staff member

Felix Gugerli Künzle

Senior Scientist

Jennifer Integlia

lab technician

Evangelia Kolovou

Software engineer

Deborah Marie Leigh

Visiting scientist

Simone McNamara

Temporary employee

Lars Opgenoorth

Visiting scientist

Aksel Palsson


Christian Rellstab

Scientific staff member

Saskia Scharl


Nadine Schütz

Master student

Enja Walthert

student/temporary help

Felix Zimmermann

PhD student