Forest Dynamics

The Research Unit explores the functional significance of forest diversity with respect to the ecology of managed and unmanaged forests. In order to assess the future development of forests in Switzerland and other temperate and mountainous regions, the Unit pursues a threefold research agenda:

  1. it performs basic research on forest diversity and its influence i) on forest dynamics, i.e. successional processes including tree growth, mortality and regeneration, and ii) on ecosystem goods and services;
  2. it studies the disturbance agents such as storms, avalanches, fires and insects with respect to their occurrences and their impact on forest dynamics, as well as the importance of forest diversity to resist disturbance;
  3. it investigates the impact of management operations on forest structure and development to improve sustainable forest management.

Based on the research outcomes, the Unit develops recommendations for best practice to sustain or improve forest products and services such as production of timber and other forest goods (e.g. mushrooms), catchment value, water quality, protection against natural hazards and pests, conservation and recreation. The infrastructure of the Research Unit includes extensive networks of forest study plots and laboratories for insects and fungi analysis.

The Unit has partners both within WSL and the wider scientific community. Stakeholders are mainly the forest services, forest owners and federal agencies.



Phenology might not be only controlled by temperature, photoperiod and water availability but also by tree intrinsic factors related to sink-source relationships.

The aim of this project is to compare northern and southern hemispheres temperature histories over the past millennium using tree-ring anatomy data.

Quantitative Wood Anatomy is a novel proxy for understanding environmental conditions, but data-sharing is hindered by inadequate repositories. This project will create a flexible repository for wood cell data using open-source technologies to establish an interactive, user-friendly platform.

Ongoing shifts in land use and climate patterns are profoundly impacting forest dynamics, underscoring the critical role of biodiversity in fostering resilient ecosystems and sustaining vital ecosystem services. A review will provide on relevant measures to promote biodiversity in managed forests.

Nowcast and predict forest condition from TreeNet data with the help of machine learning.

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Research Groups and Staff

Forest Dynamics

Thomas Wohlgemuth

Member of Directors Board; Senior Scientist, interim Head of Research Unit

Christian Raphael Ledergerber

Master student

Elisabet Martinez Sancho

Visiting scientist

Andreas Rigling

Visiting scientist

Ulrich Wasem

Temporary employee


Georg von Arx

Group leader

Mattias Barigazzi

Technical staff member

Tamara Bibbo

PhD student guest

Jesper Björklund

Visiting scientist

Seraina Brandes

Master student

Antoine Cabon

Scientific staff member

Paolo Cherubini

Senior Scientist

Savannah Collins-Key

Visiting scientist

Micaela Dassié

Master student

Patrick Fonti

Senior Scientist

Holger Gärtner

Scientific staff member

Mona Louisa Hallenberger

Temporary employee

Lisa Marie Yvette Jourdain

PhD student

Valentino Känzig

Master student

Maurin Karzig

Master student

Marc Katzenmaier

PhD student guest

Stefan Klesse

Scientific staff member

Camille Marande

PhD student guest

Elisabet Martinez Sancho

Visiting scientist

Chloé Mayoraz

Master student

Mara Nägelin

Scientific staff member

Daniel Nievergelt

Technical staff member

Philipp Rüegg

Temporary employee / Scientific staff member

Nicola Antonio Santacroce

Temporary employee

Loïc Schneider

Technical staff member

Kristina Seftigen

Visiting scientist

Lenka Slámová-Matéju

Visiting scientist

Simona Staub

Master student

Nadja-Tamara Studer

Technical staff member

Jakub Svoboda

Master student

Kerstin Treydte

Senior Scientist

Anne Verstege

Technical staff member

Wenjin Wang



Christoph Mullis

Technical staff member


Marcus Schaub

Group leader

William Aeberhard

Visiting scientist

Isabelle Arnold

Visiting scientist

David Jonas Basler


Carlo di Bello

PhD student

Sophia Etzold

Scientific staff member

Jonas Gisler

Technical staff member

Madeleine S. Goerg-Günthardt

Visiting scientist

Rudolf Häsler

Visiting scientist

Marie Horvath


Dominik Andrin Hummel

Technical specialist

Maihe Li

Senior Scientist

Na Li

PhD student guest

Marcus Maeder

Visiting scientist

Capucine Agathe Marion

PhD student guest

Eliot Perrin

Master student

Richard Peters

Visiting scientist

Volodymyr Trotsiuk

Data Scientist

Pierre Vollenweider

Scientific staff member

Yanli Zhang

PhD student

Roman Zweifel

Scientific staff member

Ecosystem Ecology

Arthur Gessler

Group leader

Mark Anthony

Visiting scientist

Tito Arosio


Frederik Baumgarten

Visiting scientist

Mirela Beloiu Schwenke

Visiting scientist

Julia Born

Project Manager

Arun Bose

Scientific staff member

Alessandra Bottero

Scientific staff member

Liangzhi Chen


Olga Churakova

Visiting scientist

Valentin Comte

Visiting scientist

Maaike De Boer

Visiting scientist

Haoyu Diao


Petra DOdorico

Scientific staff member

Luca Ferrari

Visiting scientist

Elham Freund

Visiting scientist

Matthias Haeni

IT specialist

Firoozeh Hatami

PhD student guest

Christian Hug

Technical staff member

Stefan Hunziker

Scientific staff member

Stefan Klesse

Scientific staff member

Frank Krumm

Scientific staff member

Marco Lehmann

Scientific staff member

Jelle Lever


Martin Ley

Administrative specialist

Mirko Lukovic

Scientific staff member

Yunpeng Luo

Scientific staff member

Regine Maier

Administrative specialist

Vincent Masserey

PhD student guest

Selma Margot Müller

Christoph Mullis

Technical staff member

Eugénie Paul-Limoges

Scientific staff member

Simone Maria Pieber

Scientific staff member

Nicole Quartini


Martine Rebetez

Senior Scientist

Matthias Saurer

Scientific staff member

Léonard Schneider

Visiting scientist

Pascal Schneider

PhD student

Ryan Shipley

Scientific staff member

Rolf Siegwolf

Visiting scientist

Lynsay Spafford


Flurin Sutter

GIS specialist

Jan Svoboda

Scientific staff member

Volodymyr Trotsiuk

Data Scientist

Valentina Vitali

Visiting scientist

Yann Vitasse

Scientific staff member

Manuel Walde

Visiting scientist

Micah Wilhelm

Scientific assistant

Zhaofei Wu

Visiting scientist

Zhongyu Xia

PhD student guest

Artin Zarsav

PhD student

Jan Ziegler

Technical specialist

rog. SwissForestLab

Yann Vitasse

Scientific staff member
