Monocots - Database of anatomical images

ASC00113366 Fiurena simplex

First Collector G.Rink
Collection Date 2015-08-15
Country USA
Province Arizona
Latitude 33.866990000000001
Longitude -110.942570000000003
Altitude 1783
Habitat Sierra Ancha Forest Rd. 235

Anatomical description of culm

Cross-section round. Outline wavy. Culm center with net-like parenchyma cells (aerenchyma). Recognizable epidermis cells. Peripheral sclerenchymatic stabilisation structure (girders) conic. Large vascular bundles distributed over the entire culm. Solitary

Anatomical description of leaf

Outline smooth. Upper epidermis cells in one row. Epdermis lignified. Vascular bundles centered between the upper and lower side of the leaf. Girders extending from the vascular bundle to both sides of the leaf.

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