Monocots - Database of anatomical images

ASC00098206 Melica porteri

First Collector G. Rink
Collection Date 2011-07-16
Country USA
Province Arizona
Latitude 34.544317999999997
Longitude -111.441393000000005
Altitude 1859
Habitat Bear Canyon, West Clear Creek

Anatomical description of culm

Cross-section round. Outline wavy. Culm center hollow. Recognizable epidermis cells. Peripheral sclerenchymatic stabilisation structure (girders) conic. Large vascular bundles in one row. Vascular bundles integrated in peripheral stabilisation structure (

Anatomical description of leaf

Outline wavy. Upper and lower epidermis cells of equal size and shape. Upper epidermis cells in one row. Epdermis lignified. Vascular bundles near the upper side of the leaf

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