Monocots - Database of anatomical images

ASC00081096 Poa secunda

First Collector W.H. Moir
Collection Date 2005-08-27
Country USA
Province Arizona
Latitude 35.329540000000001
Longitude -111.662589999999994
Altitude 3197
Habitat San Francisco Mts. Inner Basin

Anatomical description of culm

Cross-section round. Outline wavy. Culm center hollow. Epidermis with hairs. Endodermis present. Peripheral sclerenchymatic stabilisation structure (girders) conic. Solitary large vascular bundles. Sclerenchymatic sheath around vascular bundles not lignif

Anatomical description of leaf

Outline smooth. Upper and lower epidermis cells of equal size and shape. Epidermis with papillae. Vascular bundles near the lower side of the leaf. Vascular bundles centered between the upper and lower side of the leaf. Girders extending from the vascula

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