The use of consistent and comprehensible spatial data is fundamental for ecosystem research, in particular in the context of long-term observation series. Methods in geographic information sciences for spatial information analysis allow to build and link complex models of different scientific fields.

Tasks and main research:

  • Analysing spatial and temporal data and modelling natural phenomena and processes.
  • Developing methods for the analysis of big geo-data collected casually (rather than according to a well defined design) at different spatial scales.
  • Developing and implementing concepts to provide spatially distributed geographic information (Virtual Data Center).
  • Maintaining and advancing the National Forest Inventory NFI-database and the Datacenter Nature and Landscape DNL, developing software for the NFI and DNL and implementing the long-term availability of spatial and statistical data and related methods.
  • Maintaining and advancing the services, software and database for the WSL Data Portal
  • Maintaining and advancing the Geographic Information System of the WSL.
  • Transferring knowledge at the university level, through lectures, support and supervision of Master- and PhD-theses in the main topics of the GIS-Group.


Mit den hier entwickelten, schweizweiten Karten des baumartenspezifischen Verjüngungspotentials soll eine wichtige Grundlage für die Planung von Massnahmen zur Einleitung und Förderung von Naturverjüngung geschaffen werden.

Vorstudie zur praxisrelevanten Herleitung von flächendeckenden Verjünungspotentialkarten verschiedener Zielbaumarten im Schweizer Wald.

We demonstrate optimization pathways of forest management to mitigate climate change.

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Services and Products

The main goal of MoGLI is to project the potential distribution of the most common Swiss woody species across the entire forested area of Switzerland.

The aim of the project is to produce high-resolution soil maps for the Swiss forest. The soil maps, which are based on about 2000 soil profiles, contain chemical and physical properties such as pH, texture or carbon content for various soil depths. The soil depth itself is also modelled.



Martin Hägeli

Group leader

Andri Baltensweiler

Technical staff member

Sandro Bischof

Technical staff member

Colin Kretz Bloom


Angela Leonie Braun

Master student

Enikö Fey

IT specialist

Marielle Fraefel

Technical staff member

Rolf Grütter

Visiting scientist

Dominik Sebastian Haas-Artho

Software engineer

Ionut Iosifescu Enescu

Software engineer

Rebecca Kurup

Software engineer

Rolf Meile

IT specialist

Ranita Pal

Software engineer

Enrico Peruselli

Software engineer

Christian Schmid

Software engineer

Sandro Silva

Software engineer

Yasmin Waldeck

Software engineer

Lukas Wotruba

IT specialist

Florian Zellweger

Scientific staff member

Zhiqing Zhang

Temporary employee
