Head: Dr. Marco Ferretti

The RU Head is responsible for the co-ordination, management (strategic, scientific, administrative and financial) and development of the Research Unit with its five Research Groups. He supports WSL institutional processes within the ETH Domain.

The scientific and technical activity include participation and collaboration in national/international initiatives and projects, development of concepts and proposals and provide strategic advice to the Directorate and authorities in the field of management inventorying and monitoring of forest resources.

Example of selected scientific and co-ordination activity include:

  • Strategic orientation of the Research Unit. This is developed together with Research Groups and formalized into a management document where directions of development of the Research Unit is described and prioritized in terms of activity. It is subject to the approval from the Directorate. Typically, the RU Strategy covers individual four-years strategic periods – the current one being valid over the 2021-2024 period. 
  • Future forest Inventorying and Monitoring. The original idea, conceptualization and proposal for an Advanced Inventorying and Monitoring for the Swiss Forests (SwissAIM) was born here. It wants to promote integration across disciplines on a statistically robust monitoring system. Innovative ideas are applied also in international leadership (ICP Forests).
  • StatisticsLab. Re-launch of the former group as a think-tank, a scientific forum where a continuous development in the field of forest inventorying and monitoring statistics is pursued. It is open to all interested members of the RU FOREMA.
  • Research Agenda.  A bottom-up, transversal approach to identify themes of inquiry / areas that require new knowledge in the medium and longer term. This is a valuable source of inputs also in strategic terms. Here priority is given to the input of young scientists.