Resource Analysis

We analyze recent state as well as future development of forests and its services. Based on the Swiss national forest inventory (NFI) we estimate growing stock, increment, cut and mortality of wood as well as derived variables such as biomass, dead wood and carbon. We model scenarios of forest development under different management scenarios, climate change and disturbances. We thereby focus on following research questions.

  • Implementing data-based variables for forestry relevant estimates (SQL, SAS)
  • Improving biometric functions to estimate growing stock, increment, cut and mortality
  • Development of forest scenario models
  • Adaptation of empirical growth functions to climate change
  • Compiling and improving forest data for the Swiss Greenhouse Gas Inventory and the Kyoto Tables
  • Elaborating scenarios of forest development under climate change, forest management and disturbances
  • Evaluation of forest inventories from Cantons / Liechtenstein


Options for the use of wood in construction will be investigated, developed and tested as a contribution to a functioning circular economy and the Swiss bioeconomy. The aim is to identify the most important leverage points in the value chain to increase the use of wood in construction and to develop ecologically optimal scenarios for the use of wood in Switzerland.

We demonstrate optimization pathways of forest management to mitigate climate change.

PathFinder will develop an innovative integrated forest monitoring and pathway assessment system by the most efficient use of field, remotely sensed data, and advanced ground measurement devices. NFIs and ICP Forests networks and data will be complemented by innovative field monitoring sites.

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