
How does environmental change affect carbon, nutrient, and water fluxes in ecosystems? The research group Biogeochemistry (1) studies long-term changes of biogeochemical cycles in Swiss forests (LWF); (2) simulates climate change (warming, drought, N deposition) in field and lab experiments; and (3) traces water, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes using stable isotopes.


DeepDrought examines how deep root water uptake helps plants mitigate drought, especially as deep soil droughts increase with climate change. Using SVAT models, the project analyzes deep soil water availability and aligns TWD and WUE as drought stress measures to assess plant responses.

How does soil carbon redistribute across diverse mountain landscapes? SOCscape combine field data, soil analysis, and modeling to uncover the dynamics of carbon fluxes in these complex, geochemically varied environments.

The SMURF project aims to improve soil moisture monitoring, which is crucial for understanding climate and ecosystem dynamics in Swiss forests.

Forest-RESIST explores how forests respond to changes in water availability and vapour pressure deficit (VPD). We map underground processes using 4D electrical resistivity imaging, capturing water flow and root uptake. Together with ETHZ, this research is conducted at the Pfynwald research platform.

The emergence of visible tree-stress symptoms caused by the emerald ash borer occurs only several years after its arrival and are hard to tell apart from those caused by soil drought. Here, we investigate the potential of reflectance spectroscopy as an early-warning screening tool.

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Frank Hagedorn

Group leader

Andrea Benech

Master student

Luca Bianchi

PhD student guest

Arun Bose

Scientific staff member

Jessica Carilli


Philipp de Jong

PhD student

Katrin Di Bella Meusburger

Scientific staff member

Andreas Dietzel


Ika Djukic

Visiting scientist

Jasmin Fetzer

Visiting scientist

Michael Leonardo Galli

Temporary employee

Konstantin Gavazov

Visiting scientist

Tatiana Hirsiger

Technical staff member

Marco Lehmann

Scientific staff member

Mathias Mayer

Visiting scientist

Luisa Isabell Minich

PhD student

Margaux Moreno Duborgel

PhD student

Patrizia Palermo

Technical staff member

Patrick Schleppi

Scientific staff member

Rienk Smittenberg

Scientific staff member

Tanja Stutz

Technical staff member

Anne Thimonier Rickenmann

Scientific staff member

Annegret Udke

PhD student

Peter Waldner

Scientific staff member

Joachim Zhu

Technical specialist

Alois Zürcher

Technical staff member
