SwissForestLab ¶
SwissForestLab is a research platform and infrastructural network. By making intensive use of synergies from the expertise in forest research in Switzerland we promote cooperative research in order to obtain an in-depth understanding of ecosystem functioning, resistance and resilience of forests.
Infrastructure and data network
Scientists with excellent expertise in forest research work in Switzerland, but they are active in different institutions and disciplines. In addition, Swiss research institutes and universities have a wide range of infrastructures and approaches (research sites, facilities, data, laboratories, experimental approaches and models). The aim of SwissForestLab is to bring all these elements together in one network.
Research platform
The platform is open to all researchers who are active in the field of forest ecosystem research in Switzerland and who can contribute to the SwissForestLab with their own infrastructure (data, research sites, models, etc.).
The SwissForestLab coordination office is based at WSL and is supported by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.