WSL Fact sheet

The WSL Fact Sheet (ISSN 2624-8069, digital ISSN 2624-8077) summarises key findings from WSL research and provides guidelines for best practice. The in-house series is aimed at forestry and nature conservation groups, authorities, schools and interested laypersons.

German editions are published in the series Merkblatt für die Praxis, French in the series Notice pour la practique. Italian editions appear in free succession in the series Notizie per la pratica.

Latest issues

In order to preserve stone pine forests as diverse habitats at the transition to the alpine zone under future climate conditions, an integrative approach is needed to protect biodiversity and the various functions and services provided by the forest, which include protection, utilisation and recreation.

WSL Fact sheet 722022
Available languages: GermanEnglishFrench

The oak processionary moth is a moth native to Europe that develops mainly on oak trees. It attracts particular attention because the urticating (stinging) hairs of its caterpillars can cause allergic reactions in humans and animals.

WSL Fact sheet 712022
Available languages: GermanEnglishFrench

Pine trees are an integral part of the forest landscape across Switzerland. In recent years, they have come under increasing pressure, not least due to new fungal diseases that have been introduced from abroad. In the course of these activities, numerous other needle diseases have been detected.

WSL Fact sheet 702022
Available languages: GermanEnglishFrench



Swiss Federal Institute WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf

The WSL is a research institute of the ETH Domain.


The Merkblatt für die Praxis (ISSN 1422-2876, digital ISSN 2296-4428) summarises key findings from WSL research and provides guidelines for best practice. The series is aimed at forestry and nature conservation groups, authorities, schools and interested laypersons.

French editions are published in the series Notice pour la practique (ISSN 2813-6071). Italian and English editions appear occasionally in the series Notizie per la pratica (ISSN 1422-2914) and WSL Fact Sheet (ISSN 2624-8069).

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