Awareness raising campaigns and training

On March 23, 2023, Swiss universities and research institutions will jointly launch the first nationwide Sexual Harassment Awareness Day for a harassment-free university environment. The four research institutes of the ETH Domain (PSI, Eawag, Empa, WSL) were represented by WSL in the planning committee.


In addition to various internal actions, WSL carries out the following events:

Workshop "For an inclusive Working Environment"

Working with people from different backgrounds is interesting and can be productive, but it can also bring challenges. Sometimes we unintentionally contribute to marginalising minorities such as women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, people of colour, people with disabilities, etc. with our language and behaviour.

This workshop focuses on short everyday interactions: What supports inclusion and what hinders it? A sense of belonging is also created through self-responsible action. The facilitator will work out together with the group how we can overcome our own feelings of exclusion pro-actively.

Facilitator: Daniela Hansen, ETHZ

Language: english

Venue: WSL

Target group: all employees and people with leadership positions

Date: Thursday, 23.03.2023 - 13.30 to 16.00 

For more information and registration mail to: wpd(at)


Workshop "Dealing with sensitive situations in everyday leadership work"

This workshop is related to SH 2023 and will address prevention of and intervention in inappropriate behavior. Participants will gain more confidence in preventing misconduct, share with other leaders on the topic of "Inclusive Work Climate" and refresh their knowledge on addressing difficult situations.

Facilitator: Urte Reckowsky

Language: English

Target group: All people at SLF with leadership or supervisor roles

Date: Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 15:30 - 17.00 

For more information and registration mail to: wpd(at)


Workshop "Dealing with sensitive situations in everyday leadership work"

This short workshop is also related to SH 2023, and will focus on addressing prevention of and intervention methods for inappropriate behavior.

Facilitator: Urte Reckowsky

Language: German and English (2 dates)

Target group: People with leadership roles of the University of Basel

At WSL we have a talented and diverse workforce that delivers remarkable results every day. We make sure that our employees can focus on their work in a professional, respectful and inclusive environment. To create common ground for mutual understanding and respect we actively communicate, provide training and encourage dialogue on related topics.

Respect. Full stop.  

WSL protects the rights of its employees and takes the necessary steps in the event of inappropriate behavior. Any person affected receives support from our internal and external specialists. To introduce and raise awareness for the WSL Code of Conduct we have implemented the powerful Respect Campaign.

The Diversity & Inclusion office serves as a confidential point of contact and advice center for all staff in cases of work and leadership issues and incidents of discrimination or harassment. It also offers general support and mediation.

Unconscious Bias seminars

During 2020, all WSL managers and several employees took part in Unconscious Bias seminars, giving them an opportunity to learn more about the subject and reflect on their own attitudes when it comes to diversity in the workplace. The main focus of the seminars was on gender diversity, in accordance with our target agreement with the ETH Board, but the principles can and should be applied to other aspects of diversity, too.

Respect campaign