Species diversity

We study the diversity of animals and plants, particularly in forests and mountains, and investigate factors that influence species composition. For lichens and fungi, we operate national data centres and thus provide the basis for species conservation.

Species diversity is a measure of the variety of animals, plants, fungi, lichens and microorganisms in a habitat or area. It is an important aspect of biodiversity. Species diversity is often equated with biodiversity, as it is the most descriptive level of biodiversity.

When species become extinct within a habitat, there are shifts or even failures in ecosystem services. It is difficult to predict what kind of effects the extinction of a particular species will entail. It is therefore important to protect the full variety of species, not only for ethical and legal reasons, but as a preventive measure.

Species composition is changing

We examine the factors that affect species diversity. We are particularly interested in how species compositions change in space and time and how climate change affects species diversity. Using statistical models, we can predict species diversity for different groups of organisms and show under which land use and environmental conditions species diversity is particularly high. Our work provides the scientific basis for conserving species diversity in Switzerland. We inform federal and cantonal authorities as well as the public about conservation measures and compile Red Lists for various groups of organisms.

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WSL publications

Das Magazin gibt einen Einblick in die zahlreichen blau-grünen Projekte der Forschungsinitiative Blue-Green Biodiversity, berichtet über die wichtigsten Ergebnisse und präsentiert die Kernbotschaften.

Available languages: GermanFrench

The second edition of the field guide includes the latest scientific knowledge on associated species and contains an appendix of photographs of all 52 types of tree-related microhabitats, including five new ones since the first edition.

Available languages: GermanEnglishFrench
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We investigate the role of hybridization in climate adaptation using the white oak species complex as a study system, with a special focus on Austria and Southeastern Europe.

In the project Forest3DTwin, we want to build a prototype for the open storage of measured 3D forest plot data with reference data and are convinced that this can be established at WSL in the long term.

ECHOES integrates climate impact models with audio-visual art, using speculative design to convey complexities and engage diverse audiences.

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Services and Products

BatScope allows to consistently import recordings from BATLOGGERs (and other devices), the structured storage of these data in projects and recording events, visual control of the recordings (spectrograms), and the automated recognition of the calling bat species.

The combination trap for flying insects is a combination of a window trap and a yellow pan trap.

The book "Flora indicativa" includes ecological indicator values and biological characteristics of around 5500 vascular plant species, 600 moss species and 200 lichen species of the flora of Switzerland and the Alps. The extensive main tables are digitally available.

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