since october 2007

  • Scientific assistant WSL/SLF in Davos, member of the Mountain Ecosystems group.

Academic education

Working experience

  • 1998 Internship  Department of Forestry in Lörrach (Germany).
  • 2003 Internship  SLF Davos.
  • 1998-2007 Carpenters shop in Kandern (Germany).


  • Family


Options for the use of wood in construction will be investigated, developed and tested as a contribution to a functioning circular economy and the Swiss bioeconomy. The aim is to identify the most important leverage points in the value chain to increase the use of wood in construction and to develop ecologically optimal scenarios for the use of wood in Switzerland.

Ein Wanderführer in Buch- und App-Form zu Forschungsanlagen und -flächen in der Region Davos.

Ongoing shifts in land use and climate patterns are profoundly impacting forest dynamics, underscoring the critical role of biodiversity in fostering resilient ecosystems and sustaining vital ecosystem services. A review will provide on relevant measures to promote biodiversity in managed forests.

This project aims at improving the early detection of bark beetle damage in forests in the canton of Grisons as well as the prioritisation of management against bark beetle infestation in protective forests in the long term.


Bütler R., Lachat T., Krumm F., Kraus D., Larrieu L. (2025) Guia de campo para Microhabitats em Árvores. Descrições e limites de tamanho para inventário em florestas temperadas e mediterrânicas. (2nd ed.). Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL. 64 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Bütler R., Lachat T., Krumm F., Kraus D., Larrieu L. (2025) Taschenführer der Baummikrohabitate. Beschreibung und Schwellenwerte für Feldaufnahmen in gemässigten und mediterranen Wäldern. (2nd ed.). Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 64 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Erdozain M., Alberdi I., Aszalós R., Bollmann K., Detsis V., Diaci J., … de-Miguel S. (2025) The Evolution of Forest Restoration in Europe: A Synthesis for a Step Forward Based on National Expert Knowledge. Curr. Forestry Rep. 11(1), 4 (19 pp.). doi:10.1007/s40725-024-00235-3 Institutional Repository DORA

Larrieu L., Bouget C., Courbaud B., Doerfler I., Gouix N., Goulard M., … Zudin S. (2025) Spatial distribution of tree-related microhabitats in European beech-dominated forests. Biol. Conserv. 301, 110867 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110867 Institutional Repository DORA

Bütler R., Lachat T., Krumm F., Kraus D., Larrieu L. (2024) Field guide to tree-related microhabitats. Descriptions and size limits for their inventory in temperate and Mediterranean forests. (2nd ed.). Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL. 64 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Bütler R., Lachat T., Krumm F., Kraus D., Larrieu L. (2024) Guide de poche des dendromicrohabitats. Description et seuils de grandeur pour leur inventaire dans les forêts tempérées et méditerranéennes. (2nd ed.). Birmensdorf: Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage WSL. 64 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Bütler R., Lachat T., Krumm F., Kraus D., Larrieu L. (2024) フィールドガイド 樹木のマイクロハビタット. 温帯・地中海性森林のインベントリ調査に向けた解説と下限サイズの一覧. (2nd ed.). ビルメンスドルフ: スイス連邦森林・雪氷・ 景観研究所 WSL. 64 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Ferretti M., Fischer C., Gessler A., Graham C., Meusburger K., Abegg M., … Shackleton R.T. (2024) Advancing forest inventorying and monitoring. Ann. For. Sci. 81(1), 6 (25 pp.). doi:10.1186/s13595-023-01220-9 Institutional Repository DORA

Gugerli F., Brodbeck S., Bebi P., Bollmann K., Dauphin B., Gossner M., … Zweifel R. (2024) Il dschember – purtret d’ün bös-ch da god da muntogna. Merkblatt für die Praxis: Vol. 72 Rumantsch vallader. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 16 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:37222 Institutional Repository DORA

Lechler L., Rixen C., Bebi P., Bavay M., Marty M., Barbeito I., … Frei E.R. (2024) Five decades of ecological and meteorological data enhance the mechanistic understanding of global change impacts on the treeline ecotone in the European Alps. Agric. For. Meteorol. 355, 110126 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110126 Institutional Repository DORA

Shipley J.R., Frei E.R., Bergamini A., Boch S., Schulz T., Ginzler C., … Rixen C. (2024) Agricultural practices and biodiversity: conservation policies for semi-natural grasslands in Europe. Curr. Biol. 34(16), R753-R761. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2024.06.062 Institutional Repository DORA

Bebi P., Piazza N., Ringenbach A., Caduff M., Conedera M., Krumm F., Rigling A. (2023) Schutzwirkung und Resilienz von Gebirgswäldern nach natürlichen Störungen. In P. Bebi & J. Schweier (Eds.), WSL Berichte: Vol. 144. Aus Störungen und Extremereignissen im Wald lernen. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 41-48. doi:10.55419/wsl:35230 Institutional Repository DORA

Bütler R., Lachat T., Krumm F., Kraus D., Larrieu L. (2023) Dendromicrohàbitats. Guia de camp. Descripció, identificació i classificació pel seu inventari. Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL. 58 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Bütler R., Lachat T., Krumm F., Kraus D., Larrieu L. (2023) Veldgids voor. Boommicrohabitats. Beschrijvingen en grenswaarden voor inventarisatie. Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL. 58 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Carella A., Krumm F., Nievergelt D., Rigling A. (2023) 500 Jahre Walddynamik in den Lärchen-Arvenwäldern des Avers. Bündnerwald. 76(3), 23-25. Institutional Repository DORA

Carella A., Krumm F., Hassler J., Netzer E., Vanoni M., Rigling A. (2023) Walddynamik verstehen, um den Waldbau anpassen zu können. Bündnerwald. 76(3), 26-29. Institutional Repository DORA

Krumm F., Bollmann K., Gossner M.M., Rigling A. (2023) Waldbewirtschaftung und Biodiversität - auf Landschaftsebene. Paysages: gestion forestière et biodiversité. Nat. Paysag. Nat. Landsch. Inside. (2), 20-21. Institutional Repository DORA

Krumm F., Bauhus J., Larsen J.B., Knoke T., Poetzelsberger E., Schuck A., Rigling A. (2023) «Closer to Nature Forest Manage-ment» – Quelle est la nouveauté de ce concept? Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 174(3), 158-161. doi:10.3188/szf.2023.0158 Institutional Repository DORA

Shipley J.R., Gossner M.M., Rigling A., Krumm F. (2023) Conserving forest insect biodiversity requires the protection of key habitat features. Trends Ecol. Evol. 38(9), 788-791. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2023.05.015 Institutional Repository DORA

Thrippleton T., Temperli C., Krumm F., Mey R., Zell J., Stroheker S., … Schweier J. (2023) Anwendung eines Entscheidungssystems für die Anpassung an Klimawandel und Störungen im Gebirgswald. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 174(2), 85-91. doi:10.3188/szf.2023.0085 Institutional Repository DORA

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