I am interested in conservation, communities and biodiversity. In my PhD project on beaver ecosystems I can apply my naturalist knowledge to ecosystem level. We study the links within and between biodiversity and ecosystem functions in relation to the ecosystem change by beaver engineering. My project is part of the Blue-Green Biodiversity Initiative, a collaboration between the WSL with Anita Risch and the Eawag, where Francesco Pomati is my supervisor.


Hayes F.E., Dodd M., Moser V. (2024) New high elevation records for the mesic four-striped grass rat Rhabdomys dilectus on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
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Institutional Repository DORA

Nava V., Dar J.Y., De Santis V., Fehlinger L., Pasqualini J., Adekolurejo O.A., … Gostyńska J. (2024) Zooming in the plastisphere: the ecological interface for phytoplankton–plastic interactions in aquatic ecosystems. Biol. Rev. doi:10.1111/brv.13164 Institutional Repository DORA

Schillé L., Valdés‐Correcher E., Archaux F., Bălăcenoiu F., Bjørn M.C., Bogdziewicz M., … Castagneyrol B. (2024) Decomposing drivers in avian insectivory: Large‐scale effects of climate, habitat and bird diversity. J. Biogeogr. 51(6), 1079-1094. doi:10.1111/jbi.14808 Institutional Repository DORA

Bosco L., Moser V., Jones M.M., Opedal Ø., Ovaskainen O., Sonja G., … Jacot A. (2023) Habitat area and local habitat conditions outweigh fragmentation effects on insect communities in vineyards. Ecol. Solut. Evid. 4(1), e12193 (12 pp.). doi:10.1002/2688-8319.12193 Institutional Repository DORA
