Research interest

My interest lies in the use of quantitative methods, data analytics, modelling, GIS and remote sensing techniques to aid: biodiversity conservation, improved understanding of forest dynamics, and climate change mitigation


Ph.D. Environmental Science     (In progress)                                                                                 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland (ETHZ)

M.Sc. Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources MGT (July 2021)                                       University of Padua (Italy), Karadeniz Technical University (Turkey)

M.Sc. Forest Biometrics and Remote Sensing  (August 2018)                                                       University of Ibadan, Nigeria

B.Sc. Forest Resources Management ( December 2015)                                                               University of Ibadan, Nigeria


Oluwatosin O. Adebayo , Kehinde E. Olasuyi , Tomiwa V. Oluwajuwon, Racheal Attafuah , Oluwadamilola C. Ogundipe , Victor A. J. Adekunle (2022)

Forestry education in Nigeria: Are forestry students unwilling to study the course and does it influence their academic performance? Conference paper (XV World Forestry Congress, 2022)

Ogundipe O.C, Osho JSA, and Olukunle OD (2018).

Modelling Diameter Distributions of Nauclea diderrichii Stands in Omo Forest Reserve, Nigeria with Johnson’s SB. Agricultural Research and Technology Journal, vol. 18(3), pp 149-154.

Chukwu, O., Dau, J.H., Ogundipe, O. C., and Wali, M. D. (2018).

Crown ratio assessment for Prosopis africana (guill.and perr.) taub species in Makurdi, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment. Vol. 10(1), pp 20-27.

Oyegbami, A, Ogundipe, O. C., and others (2018). Conservation status of wild animals traded as bushmeat in Osun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Wildlife Management, 1(1) pp 31-35
