
Snowcover: Physics and Modelling

The course at ETHZ provides an introduction to the relevant processes and physics required for key cryospheric applications covering snow and firn metamorphism, snow mechanics, wind transport of snow and energy and mass fluxes in the snowcover. The topics are relevant for glaciology, hydrology, atmospheric science, polar climatology and remote sensing.

Snow Science Winter School

The Snow Science Winter School will teach these modern techniques of snow measurements. The school consists of a field training complemented by theoretical lessons. It includes the practice with some of the state-of-the-art snow measurement techniques (specific surface area by reflection and spectroscopy, near-infrared photography, high-resolution penetrometry, micro-tomography, etc). Students will learn about how to characterize snow cover, what are the fundamental processes responsible for its evolution, and how does it interacts with the environment.

Available languages: English


Other publications

Publicly available publications: Mendeley or ResearchGate


videos about the MOSAiC expedition

MOSAiC-Expedition der Polarstern: Erklärstück

Research Interests

My current work is focused on snow and firn. The work in the past years was focused on how to measure snow properties quantitatively and at higher spatial resolution, and from the field- to the micro-scale. To this goal, I am developing new instruments. Scientifically, I am interested in all physical and geological processes occurring in the snowpack, and in different environments. Recent expeditions to Antarctica and the Arctic widened my experience in these fascinating environments.

Specifically i work on the experimental investigation of snow physical properties at the micro- and macroscale (mechanical, thermal, optical), especially using micro-tomography. Using specific new tools, the processes in snow recrystallization, metamorphism and diagenesis are investigated. For this, I work on the development of new instrumentation (3 patents). One goal is also the application of quantitative stratigraphy to larger-scale processes, as remote sensing, avalanche formation and climate research.

Academic Education and Professional Experience

1991:  Dr. sc. tech, ETH Zürich (Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering)

1984:  Dipl. Kulturing. (Environmental Engineering), ETH Zürich

  • Head of Research Unit "Snow and Permafrost since May 2018
  • Invited researcher for field experiments in Antarctica (Project Coldest Firn CoFiAP, PI Dr. Sepp Kipfstuhl, Alfred Wegener Institut, Bremerhaven) 2012-2013, more...
  • Invited researcher for field experiments in Antarctica (Project EXPLORE, PI Dr. Jérôme Chappellaz, CNRS-LGGE, Grenoble) 2011-2012, more...
  • Invited researcher for field experiments (Snowball Earth Analogue, Allan Hills, Antarctica, PI Prof. Stephen Warren, Univ. of Washington) 2010-2011
  • Visiting scientist at LGGE/CNRS Grenoble (July 2008), with Dr. Paul Duval
  • Lecturer at ETH, since 2007
  • Named "Senior Scientist" of WSL since 2006
  • Head of Research Group "Snow Physics", 2006-2018


  • Member Fachkommission 5 "Betrieb" VSS
  • Member Advisory Committee for APECS
  • Co-leader Working Group 1 COST ES1404 HarmoSnow
  • SCAR Alternate Delegate for Switzerland  (since 2014), Officer of the Action Group "Snow in Antarctica", SnowAnt
  • Member IASC Cryosphere working group (since 2013)
  • Member of the  Swiss Committee on Polar and High Altitude Research
  • Editor The Cryosphere (since 2012)
  • Associate Editor JGR-Earth Surface (2010-2013)
  • Associate Editor Water Resources Research (2009-2011)
  • European Geophysical Union, Section on Cryospheric Sciences, Secretary of Snow (2001-2009)


Publications - ORCID

Publicly available publications: Mendeley or ResearchGate


Die Energieflüsse auf Meereis sind in der Arktis sind extrem variabel, die Wärmeübertragung zwischen Ozean und arktischer Atmosphäre sind eine der wichtigen Gründe dafür. Die Forschungsprojekt MOSAiC will nun herauszufinden, welche Strahlungsflüsse diese saisonal beeinflussen.


Brown L.V., Pound R.J., Jones M.R., Rowlinson M.J., Chance R., Jacobi H.W., … Carpenter L.J. (2025) Iodine speciation in snow during the MOSAiC expedition and its implications for Arctic iodine emissions. Faraday Discuss. doi:10.1039/d4fd00178h Institutional Repository DORA

Di Pietro T., Kaltenborn J., Groninger S., Mitterer C., Schneebeli M. (2024) Acoustic snow stratigraphy measurements - from the sound of breaking snow towards enhanced snowpack stability assessment. In K. Gisnås, P. Gauer, H. Dahle, M. Eckerstorfer, A. Mannberg, & K. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of the international Snow Science Workshop 2024. Oslo: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. 1065-1072. Institutional Repository DORA

Macfarlane A.R., Ben-Ari T., Blanc G., Bozzato D., Calmer R., Haslett S., … Wheeler H.C. (2024) A call for funding bodies to influence the reduction of environmental impacts in remote scientific fieldwork. Front. Sustain. 5, 1338660 (3 pp.). doi:10.3389/frsus.2024.1338660 Institutional Repository DORA

Mellat M., Brunello C.F., Werner M., Bauch D., Damm E., Angelopoulos M., … Meyer H. (2024) Isotopic signatures of snow, sea ice, and surface seawater in the central Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition. Elem. Sci. Anthr. 12(1), 00078 (27 pp.). doi:10.1525/elementa.2023.00078 Institutional Repository DORA

Menard C.B., Rasmus S., Merkouriadi I., Balsamo G., Bartsch A., Derksen C., … Stark S. (2024) Exploring the decision-making process in model development: focus on the Arctic snowpack. Cryosphere. 18(10), 4671-4686. doi:10.5194/tc-18-4671-2024 Institutional Repository DORA

Stephens M.P., Marsay C.M., Schneebeli M., Landing W.M., Buck C.S., Geibert W. (2024) Aerosol deposition and snow accumulation processes from beryllium-7 measurements in the Central Arctic Ocean: results from the MOSAiC expedition. J. Geophys. Res. C. 129(2), e2023JC020044 (22 pp.). doi:10.1029/2023JC020044 Institutional Repository DORA

Clemens-Sewall D., Polashenski C., Frey M.M., Cox C.J., Granskog M.A., Macfarlane A.R., … Perovich D. (2023) Snow loss into leads in Arctic sea ice: minimal in typical wintertime conditions, but high during a warm and windy snowfall event. Geophys. Res. Lett. 50(12), e2023GL102816 (9 pp.). doi:10.1029/2023GL102816 Institutional Repository DORA

Dumont M., Gascoin S., Réveillet M., Voisin D., Tuzet F., Arnaud L., … Voiron C. (2023) Spatial variability of Saharan dust deposition revealed through a citizen science campaign. ESSD. 15(7), 3075-3094. doi:10.5194/essd-15-3075-2023 Institutional Repository DORA

Hong A.C., Ulrich T., Thomson E.S., Trachsel J., Riche F., Murphy J.G., … Bartels-Rausch T. (2023) Uptake of hydrogen peroxide from the gas phase to grain boundaries: a source in snow and ice. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57(31), 11626-11633. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c01457 Institutional Repository DORA

Itkin P., Hendricks S., Webster M., von Albedyll L., Arndt S., Divine D., … Liston G.E. (2023) Sea ice and snow characteristics from year-long transects at the MOSAiC Central Observatory. Elem. Sci. Anthr. 11(1), 11 (23 pp.). doi:10.1525/elementa.2022.00048 Institutional Repository DORA

Kaltenborn J., Macfarlane A.R., Clay V., Schneebeli M. (2023) Automatic snow type classification of snow micropenetrometer profiles with machine learning algorithms. Geosci. Model Dev. 16(15), 4521-4550. doi:10.5194/gmd-16-4521-2023 Institutional Repository DORA

Lange B.A., Salganik E., Macfarlane A., Schneebeli M., Høyland K., Gardner J., … Granskog M.A. (2023) Snowmelt contribution to Arctic first-year ice ridge mass balance and rapid consolidation during summer melt. Elem. Sci. Anthr. 11(1), 00037 (14 pp.). doi:10.1525/elementa.2022.00037 Institutional Repository DORA

MacFarlane A.R., Löwe H., Gimenes L., Wagner D.N., Dadic R., Ottersberg R., … Schneebeli M. (2023) Temporospatial variability of snow's thermal conductivity on Arctic sea ice. Cryosphere. 17(12), 5417-5434. doi:10.5194/tc-17-5417-2023 Institutional Repository DORA

Macfarlane A.R., Schneebeli M., Dadic R., Tavri A., Immerz A., Polashenski C., … Fons S. (2023) A database of snow on sea ice in the central Arctic collected during the MOSAiC expedition. Sci. Data. 10(1), 398 (17 pp.). doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02273-1 Institutional Repository DORA

Macfarlane A.R., Dadic R., Smith M.M., Light B., Nicolaus M., Henna-Reetta H., … Schneebeli M. (2023) Evolution of the microstructure and reflectance of the surface scattering layer on melting, level Arctic sea ice. Elem. Sci. Anthr. 11(1), 00103 (21 pp.). doi:10.1525/elementa.2022.00103 Institutional Repository DORA

Martin J., Schneebeli M. (2023) Impact of the sampling procedure on the specific surface area of snow measurements with the IceCube. Cryosphere. 17(4), 1723-1734. doi:10.5194/tc-17-1723-2023 Institutional Repository DORA

Nandan V., Willatt R., Mallett R., Stroeve J., Geldsetzer T., Scharien R., … Hoppmann M. (2023) Wind redistribution of snow impacts the Ka- and Ku-band radar signatures of Arctic sea ice. Cryosphere. 17(6), 2211-2229. doi:10.5194/tc-17-2211-2023 Institutional Repository DORA

Vandecrux B., Box J.E., Ahlstrøm A.P., Andersen S.B., Bayou N., Colgan W.T., … Steffen K. (2023) The historical Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) curated and augmented level-1 dataset. ESSD. 15(12), 5467 (23 pp.)-5489. doi:10.5194/essd-15-5467-2023 Institutional Repository DORA

Willatt R., Stroeve J.C., Nandan V., Newman T., Mallett R., Hendricks S., … Oggier M. (2023) Retrieval of snow depth on Arctic sea ice from surface-based, polarimetric, dual-frequency radar altimetry. Geophys. Res. Lett. 50(20), e2023GL104461 (11 pp.). doi:10.1029/2023GL104461 Institutional Repository DORA

Aemisegger F., Trachsel J., Sadowski Y., Eichler A., Lehning M., Avak S., Schneebeli M. (2022) Fingerprints of frontal passages and post-depositional effects in the stable water isotope signal of seasonal Alpine snow. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos. 127(22), e2022JD037469 (20 pp.). doi:10.1029/2022JD037469 Institutional Repository DORA

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