
1976-1980 Studies in biology at ETH, Zurich.
1981-1985 Ph.D. thesis at the Institute of Plant Production, ETH Zurich
1985-1986 Post-doc at the University of California, Berkeley
1987-1991 Research assistant with the Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich
1991-2018 Head of the 'Forest Entomology' group at the Swiss Federal Institute WSL
2018-2022 Senior Scientist WSL
2022- retired, visiting scientist WSL


  • Development and succession of insect communities after windthrow and wildfire
  • Population dynamics of potential pests and their natural enemies
  • Biodiversity of saproxylic (=wood inhabiting) insects
  • Insect photography

My latest highlight

The book "Forest insects – diversity, functions, and importance" (2021) is the result of more than 20 years teaching in forest entomology and my even longer existing hobby of taking photos of insects. It is both a text and photo book covering the manifold significances of forest insects for forests and humans. The German version was awarded the "Prix Moulines" of the Swiss Entomological Society in 2019.

More information (in German)


In this project, a species inventory of xylobiont beetles and fungi in spruce and fir-spruce natural forest reserves is carried out in comparison to managed stands. The monitoring has the aim to evaluate the effectiveness of forest reserves.

We investigate the development of insect abundance trends in Switzerland during the last 30 years.

Recommendations to preserve and promote the biodiversity of forest insects are derived from findings of various WSL projects and international research.

We investigate the requirements and distribution of red wood ants in Switzerland. On each plot of the Swiss National Forest Inventory presence/absence and size of the nest mounds are recorded.

After the devestating windstorms in 1990 (Vivian) and 1999 (Lothar) investigations were started to monitor the development and succession of the insect fauna on cleared and uncleared windthrow areas, relative to control treatments in the intact forest. Until now, insects have been sampled during 7 (Vivian) and 4 (Lothar) years.

With the MULTIBEF project, we aim at taking a holistic view to the study of B-EF relationships, and to investigate climate-change effects on complex B-EF relationships. To this end, we will take advantage of particular freshwater ecosystems tightly linked to forests: water-filled tree holes!


Wermelinger B., Obrist M.K., Duelli P., Schneider Mathis D., Gossner M.M. (2025) Two decades of arthropod biodiversity after windthrow show different dynamics of functional groups. J. Appl. Ecol. 62(2), 371-387. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.14860 Institutional Repository DORA

Kaennel Dobbertin M., Wermelinger B. (2024) Insekten. In Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL (Ed.), Poesie des Vergehens. Vom vielfältigen Leben in einer toten Fichte. Bern: Haupt Verlag. 191-193. Institutional Repository DORA

Balkenohl M., Wermelinger B. (2023) Trichoferus campestris (Faldermann, 1835), ein neues Faunenelement in der Schweiz (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Entomo Helv. 16, 27-30. Institutional Repository DORA

Ruel J.C., Wermelinger B., Gauthier S., Burton P.J., Waldron K., Shorohova E. (2023) Selected examples of interactions between natural disturbances. In M. Montoro Girona, H. Morin, S. Gauthier, & Y. Bergeron (Eds.), Advances in global change research: Vol. 74. Boreal forests in the face of climate change. Sustainable management. Cham: Springer. 123-141. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-15988-6_4 Institutional Repository DORA

Wermelinger B. (2023) Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Insekten. In C. Thalmann (Ed.), Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern: Vol. 80. Weltberühmte Berner Klimaforschung im 19. Jahrhundert. Jahresbericht der Bernischen Botanischen Gesellschaft. Bern: Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern (NGB). 28-39. Institutional Repository DORA

Blaser S., Guetg M., Bader M., Wermelinger B., Studhalter S., Queloz V. (2022) Der Eichenprozessionsspinner. Hintergrundwissen und Handlungsempfehlungen. Merkblatt für die Praxis: Vol. 71. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 8 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:30753 Institutional Repository DORA

Blaser S., Guetg M., Bader M., Wermelinger B., Studhalter S., Queloz V. (2022) La processionnaire du chêne. Connaissances de base et recommandations pratiques. Notice pour le praticien: Vol. 71. Birmensdorf: Institut fédéral de recherches WSL. 8 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:30754 Institutional Repository DORA

Blaser S., Guetg M., Bader M., Wermelinger B., Studhalter S., Queloz V. (2022) The oak processionary moth. Background knowledge and recommended action. WSL: fact sheet: Vol. 71. Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Institute WSL. 8 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:31198 Institutional Repository DORA

Bolliger J., Haller J., Wermelinger B., Blum S., Obrist M.K. (2022) Contrasting impacts of street light shapes and LED color temperatures on nocturnal insects and bats. Basic Appl. Ecol. 64, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.baae.2022.07.002 Institutional Repository DORA

Bolliger J., Hennet T., Wermelinger B., Bösch R., Pazur R., Blum S., … Obrist M.K. (2022) Traffic-regulated street lights to reduce impacts of light pollution: good news for nocturnal insects and bats? (5 pp.). Institutional Repository DORA

Bose A.K., Rigling A., Gessler A., Hagedorn F., Brunner I., Feichtinger L., … Schaub M. (2022) Lessons learned from a long‐term irrigation experiment in a dry Scots pine forest: impacts on traits and functioning. Ecol. Monogr. 92(2), e1507 (18 pp.). doi:10.1002/ecm.1507 Institutional Repository DORA

Viljur M.‐L., Abella S.R., Adámek M., Alencar J.B.R., Barber N.A., Beudert B., … Thorn S. (2022) The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: an ecological synthesis. Biol. Rev. 97(5), 1930-1947. doi:10.1111/brv.12876 Institutional Repository DORA

Wermelinger B., Jakoby O. (2022) Bark beetles. In T. Wohlgemuth, A. Jentsch, & R. Seidl (Eds.), Landscape series: Vol. 32. Disturbance ecology. Cham: Springer. 271-293. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-98756-5_12 Institutional Repository DORA

Wermelinger B. (2022) Die wichtigsten Borkenkäferarten. Bündnerwald. 75(3), 16-23. Institutional Repository DORA

Wermelinger B., Schneider Mathis D. (2022) Les ennemis naturels des scolytes. Silva Belgica. 2, 30-42. Institutional Repository DORA

Wermelinger B. (2022) Natürliche Feinde von Borkenkäfern. Bündnerwald. 75(3), 24-27. Institutional Repository DORA

Wermelinger B. (2022) Ökologische Bedeutung von Borkenkäfern. Bündnerwald. 75(3), 48-51. Institutional Repository DORA

Fitzpatrick B.R., Baltensweiler A., Düggelin C., Fraefel M., Freitag A., Vandegehuchte M.L., … Risch A.C. (2021) The distribution of a group of keystone species is not associated with anthropogenic habitat disturbance. Divers. Distrib. 27(4), 572-584. doi:10.1111/ddi.13217 Institutional Repository DORA

Hauser G., Wermelinger B., Roth N., Chittaro Y. (2021) Redécouverte d'Aesalus scarabaeoides (Panzer, 1793) en Suisse (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Entomo Helv. 14, 135-139. doi:10.5169/seals-1033298 Institutional Repository DORA

Rissanen K., Hölttä T., Bäck J., Rigling A., Wermelinger B., Gessler A. (2021) Drought effects on carbon allocation to resin defences and on resin dynamics in old-grown Scots pine. Environ. Exp. Bot. 185, 104410 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2021.104410 Institutional Repository DORA

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