33rd European Dendroecological Fieldweek

Start date and time:


17 September 2023, 02:00


Pec pod Sněžkou, Czech Republic

Organised by:

Dendrolabs of the WSL and the Charles University Prague



Type of event:



People interested in tree-rings from all over the world. Beginners, Master and PhD students are particularly encouraged to apply.

10-17 September 2023

Pec pod Sněžkou, Czech Republic

We have the pleasure to announce the 33rd European Dendroecological Fieldweek, 10-17 September 2023. It will take place in the scenic region of Krkonoše just below the highest Czech Mountain Sněžka. This year the fieldweek will be organised in close collaboration between the Dendrolabs of the WSL and the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

The Association for Tree-Ring Research ATR will support this fieldweek with some travel grants. Details see Registration.

This fieldweek is a course affiliated to the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR), University of Bern. Therefore successful participants can be provided with 2.5 ECTS points.



Kerstin Treydte, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland

Vaclav Treml, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Ryszard Kaczka, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic

Jelena Lange, Charles University, Prague,Czech Republic

Francesco Marotta, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Eunice Romero, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Jan Tumajer, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Alan Crivellaro, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania

Alma Piermattei, University of Cambridge, UK

Elisabet Martínez-Sancho, University of Barcelona, Spain

Jan Altman, Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Třeboň, Czech Republic

Paul Krusic, University of Cambridge, UK


Summary Information

Deadline for registration and payment: 30 June 2023

First come first served...

Successful applicants will be notified in July.

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People interested in tree-rings from all over the world.

Beginners, Master and PhD students are particularly encouraged to apply.


10-17 September 2023


EDF 2023 will take place in the scenic Krkonoše/Karkonosze National Park just below the highest Czech Mountain Sněžka.

500 Euro, including course material, accommodation and meals.


The European Dendroecological Fieldweek covers the full spectrum of dendrochronological issues, including dendroclimatology, dendroecology, dendrogeomorphology, dendroarchaeology and wood anatomy, and fosters cross-disciplinary links. Each topic includes keynote lectures, fieldwork and data production/analysis in small groups, supervised by an advanced scientist. Participants will learn methods of field sampling, sample preparation, visual and statistical cross-dating, data production of tree-ring widths, blue reflectance, stable isotopes, cell size parameters, image analysis, statistical data analysis, and presentation of results. Participants and advanced scientists will spend the whole week together, and there will be ample opportunity to learn, discuss and make new friends from all around the world.

Financial Support

 The European Dendroecological Fieldweek is supported by the Association of Tree-Ring Research ATR which offers a few  grants on a competitive basis. The financial support will be around 250€ and is intended to help cover travel costs. Successful applicants are of course expected to attend and participate in the full week of activities. The ATR committee will decide to whom support will be granted.

Please click here to apply for financial support by the ATR.

Travel information

The EDF 2023 location at Pec pod Snezkou can be easily reached by public transport from Prague, Trutnov or Hradec Králové.

When arriving by plane
From the Vaclav Havel Airport in Prague to Černý Most bus station you can arrive by public transportation, first use the airport bus (nr. 119) to its terminal station, then take underground Line A (green) to Můstek station, change to line B (yellow) to Černý most bus station (terminal stop) and then exit underground and follow marked direction to bus station.

When arriving by bus
From the Prague main bus station (Florenc) take underground Line B (yellow) to Černý most bus station (terminal stop) and then exit underground and follow direction to bus station.

When arriving by train
The nearest train station to Pec pod Sněžkou is Trutnov (about 20 km from Pec). There are few direct train connections from Prague to Trutnov. Journey from Prague to Trutnov takes about 3 hours. From Trutnov to Pec pod Sněžkou please use bus connection (bus operates in hourly frequency). Bus stop is located in front of train station.

Timetable of train connections see »

When arriving by car
From Prague follow highway D11 in direction Hradec Králové, at the end of the highway in Hradec Králové (120 km from Prague) follow direction to Trutnov, and in Trutnov (ca 140 km from Prague) follow direction to Pec pod Sněžkou (about 20 km from Trutnov). For orientation in Pec pod Sněžkou see the map below.

Train/bus connections from Prague to the venue »

There are regular bus lines between Prague and Pec pod Sněžkou (approximately 8-10 direct connections daily). Bus leaves from Prague Černý Most bus station located at the terminal stop of underground line B (yellow). Direct bus connection from Prague to Pec takes about 3 hours of drive.

From the bus stop it is a 10-minutes walk to the venue.
The exact location is here: 50.69930468735808, 15.724425676050972
Google maps


The official currency in Czech Republic is the Czech crown (koruna) (CZK). Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks or in exchange offices, the easiest way is to use ATM.

We will stay in the Charles University recreational and training center in the Krkonoše national park, a spacious accommodation with lecture room and location next to the forest.
The exact location is here: 50.69930468735808, 15.724425676050972
Google maps »

Rekreační středisko UK
Velká pláň 159
542 21 Pec pod Sněžkou


Organized by
