Biodiversity Research Day 2024
WSL Birmensdorf, Englersaal
Organised by:
WSL Biodiversity Center, WSL
Type of event:
Presentations and colloquia
The WSL Biodiversity Center is pleased to announce the first Biodiversity Research Day, which will be held on Thursday, 3 October, in Birmensdorf.
The half-day event aims to showcase a selection of the exciting biodiversity research and outreach that WSL members conduct and to enhance the interactions among groups. It will consist of a series of speed talks (3 min each) and regular talks (10 min each) with an opportunity for discussion. It will close with an apero.
We invite all WSL members, from PhD students to group leaders, to present their work and/or attend the research day. We will select talks to cover a range of research topics and presenters from different career stages, genders, etc.
Program ¶
13:00 - 13:05 Welcome
13:05 - 14:45 Regular and speed talks
14:45- 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 - 17:00 Regular and speed talks
17:00 Apéro
See the detailed program here.
Registration ¶
- WSL staff members: please register using the Intranet form. If you would like to present your work, please submit the title of your talk by 1 September. Selected speakers will be informed before 15 September.
- External participants: if you would like to join us in WSL Birmensdorf, please e-mail us at
Zoom webinar ¶
If you can’t attend in person, you’re welcome to join us online via Zoom.
Zoom webinar: link (ID: 643 2199 9394, Password: 425816)