Biodiversity, conservation and primeval forests

In order to foster near-primeval forests and the species dependent on them, natural forest reserves have been established since the 1990s. We have been tasked with the scientific monitoring of the development of these forests and their fauna and flora.

Truely primeval forests – forests which have been truly untouched by human hands – barely exist in Switzerland. However, there are many forests that have not been managed for decades. Over 800 of these have been set aside as natural forest reserves, largely without human intervention. We have been studying the development of 49 of these reserves in Switzerland, in cooperation with ETH Zurich, and comparing them with managed forests for many years.

We also cooperate with institutions abroad to explore the true primeval forests, for example primeval beech forests in the Carpathian regions of Ukraine. This provides valuable comparative data for local natural forest reserves and managed forests.

Far from Dead: Deadwood Habitat

A typical feature of old forests is the abundant deadwood and the high number of old trees, the so-called habitat trees. Thousands of species of birds, mammals, insects, fungi and lichens depend on these habitats. There are few of them in managed forests, which is why many wood-dwelling (xylobiont) species are endangered. We carry out species monitoring of xylobiont beetles and fungi in natural forest reserves, as they are good indicators of whether the reserves really help biodiversity.

WSL publications

The second edition of the field guide includes the latest scientific knowledge on associated species and contains an appendix of photographs of all 52 types of tree-related microhabitats, including five new ones since the first edition.

Available languages: GermanEnglishFrench

Vom vielfältigen Leben in einer toten Fichte. Die Geschichte einer toten Fichte in 120 Fotos, mit fundierten Erläuterungen der biologischen Prozesse.

Available languages: German
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We investigate the role of hybridization in climate adaptation using the white oak species complex as a study system, with a special focus on Austria and Southeastern Europe.

The main aim of SingleTree is to develop optimized single-tree value chains for improved climate change adaptation, multifunctionality and cascading use of woody biomass. The value chains will be enabled by AI and remote sensing forest monitoring, adaptive precision forestry for single tree management, intelligent machines for implementing single tree operations, and improved traceability and ability to predict wood quality.

ECHOES integrates climate impact models with audio-visual art, using speculative design to convey complexities and engage diverse audiences.

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Services und Produkte

In the national data and information centre SwissFungi, we compile collection data and environmental data on the species of fungus that exist in Switzerland, and thereby document spatial and temporal changes in their populations. SwissFungi provides the basis for implementing conservation measures for fungus.

In the national data and information centre SwissLichens, we compile data on lichen habitats and their ecology, and in doing so document spatial and temporal changes in their populations in Switzerland. SwissLichens provides the basis for implementing conservation measures for lichens.

Die Internetplattform möchte das Wissen über alte Bäume und Totholz sowie deren Wertschätzung fördern. Ziel ist es, den Anteil des Alt- und Totholzes im Schweizer Wald zu erhöhen.
