Farmers, foresters, investors and voters shape the landscape with their behaviour and activities. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at exactly what these stakeholders do and what concrete effects they have on the landscape and ecosystems.

Meadows can be nutrient-rich or dry, multicoloured or uniformly green. In addition to site conditions, this is mostly the result of agricultural practice. How often a grassland is mown, how heavily it is fertilised, which animals graze on it and for how long - all these factors ultimately determine the type of meadow. Similarly, the same applies to forests, orchards, but also to the vegetation in settlement areas: the gardener chooses flowers or vegetables, she can plant either exotic cherry laurel or local privet. The type and intensity of land use thus determines the ecological as well as the aesthetic quality of a specific location.
In a variety of projects we are investigating, how the intensity of land use can be determined, which factors shape it and what consequences this has for landscapes and habitats.
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Publications ¶
Opravil Š., Pazúr R. (2022) Mapping of management practice on permanent grassland using sentinel-2: a case study of Nothern Slovakia. Geogr. Časopis. 74(4), 299-315. Institutional Repository DORA
Helfenstein J., Bürgi M., Debonne N., Dimopoulos T., Diogo V., Dramstad W., … Herzog F. (2022) Farmer surveys in Europe suggest that specialized, intensive farms were more likely to perceive negative impacts from COVID-19. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 42(5), 84 (16 pp.). Repository DORA
Weber D., Ritter L., Ginzler C. (2022) Webcam-Bilder als Referenzdaten für die satellitengestützte Beurteilung der Grünlandnutzung. Geomat. Schweiz. 120(5-6), 106-108. Institutional Repository DORA
Pazúr R., Price B., Atkinson P.M. (2021) Fine temporal resolution satellite sensors with global coverage: an opportunity for landscape ecologists. Landsc. Ecol. 36, 2199-2213. Institutional Repository DORA
Meier E.S., Indermaur A., Ginzler C., Psomas A. (2020) An effective way to map land-use intensity with a high spatial resolution based on habitat type and environmental data. Remote Sens. 12(6), 969 (21 pp.). Repository DORA
Pazúr R., Lieskovský J., Bürgi M., Müller D., Lieskovský T., Zhang Z., Prischchepov A.V. (2020) Abandonment and recultivation of agricultural lands in Slovakia - patterns and determinants from the past to the future. Land. 9(9), 316 (22 pp.). Repository DORA
Tobias S., Price B. (2020) How effective is spatial planning for cropland protection? An assessment based on land-use scenarios. Land. 9(2), 43 (20 pp.). Repository DORA
Goga T., Feranec J., Bucha T., Rusnák M., Sačkov I., Barka I., … Vladovič J. (2019) A review of the application of remote sensing data for abandoned agricultural land identification with focus on Central and Eastern Europe. Remote Sens. 11(23), 2759 (19 pp.). Repository DORA
Gerecke M., Hagen O., Bolliger J., Hersperger A.M., Kienast F., Price B., Pellissier L. (2019) Assessing potential landscape service trade-offs driven by urbanization in Switzerland. Palgrave Commun. 5, 109 (13 pp.). Repository DORA
Kolecka N., Ginzler C., Pazur R., Price B., Verburg P.H. (2018) Regional scale mapping of grassland mowing frequency with Sentinel-2 time series. Remote Sens. 10(8), 1221 (19 pp.). Repository DORA
Sauter I., Kienast F., Bolliger J., Winter B., Pazúr R. (2019) Changes in demand and supply of ecosystem services under scenarios of future land use in Vorarlberg, Austria. J. Mt. Sci. 16(12), 2793-2809. Institutional Repository DORA
Price B., Kienast F., Seidl I., Ginzler C., Verburg P.H., Bolliger J. (2015) Future landscapes of Switzerland: risk areas for urbanisation and land abandonment. Appl. Geogr. 57, 32-41. Institutional Repository DORA
Busch V., Klaus V.H., Schäfer D., Prati D., Boch S., Müller J., … Kleinebecker T. (2019) Will I stay or will I go? Plant species‐specific response and tolerance to high land‐use intensity in temperate grassland ecosystems. J. Veg. Sci. 30(4), 674-686. Institutional Repository DORA
Corona R., Galicia L., Palacio-Prieto J.L., Bürgi M., Hersperger A. (2016) Local deforestation patterns and driving forces in a tropical dry forest in two municipalities of southern Oaxaca, Mexico (1985–2006). Inv. Geogr. 91, 86-104. Repository DORA
Li L., Fassnacht F.E., Storch I., Bürgi M. (2017) Land-use regime shift triggered the recent degradation of alpine pastures in Nyanpo Yutse of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Landsc. Ecol. 32(11), 2187-2203. Institutional Repository DORA
Bürgi M., Li L., Kizos T. (2015) Exploring links between culture and biodiversity: studying land use intensity from the plot to the landscape level. Biodivers. Conserv. 24(13), 3285-3303. Institutional Repository DORA
Diacon-Bolli J., Dalang T., Holderegger R., Bürgi M. (2012) Heterogeneity fosters biodiversity: linking history and ecology of dry calcareous grasslands. Basic Appl. Ecol. 13(8), 641-653. Institutional Repository DORA