Quality and Value of the Landscape

What makes us like certain landscapes better than others? We examine which landscape features are important to people. This helps to maintain the quality of the landscape despite its constant change.

Landscapes are characterised by elements and features such as open spaces and green spaces or typical regional settlement and management forms. People perceive these and evaluate them; the (perceived) landscape quality results from this. We look into how people perceive the landscape and what elements and features are important to them. Because landscapes are constantly changing, the following questions arise: how do landscape features change? What are the consequences for landscape quality? How can important landscape features and landscape quality be maintained in the long term? Our research provides answers to such questions and thus provides the decision-making basis for landscape policy.

Values and Performance of Landscapes

The values of landscapes are closely linked to their features. There are many of these, as landscapes have ecological, aesthetic, cultural, economic and emotional values. Identifying and evaluating these makes up a significant part of the WSL's landscape research. For example, we examine how nature and landscape can be economically assessed and what factors influence the aesthetic value of living spaces and landscapes.

The value of landscapes for people and society can be expressed through landscape benefits. These include, for example, local recreation and leisure, protection from natural hazards, and the production of renewable energies. For various spatial levels, we look at which benefits landscapes provide to the community. To this end, we are developing methods for mapping out benefits and predicting future spatial distributions, for example local recreation and leisure. Our research has made it easier to integrate this into practical spatial planning.


Integrierte Klimaanpassungsstrategien auf regionaler Ebene sind eine effektive Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels. Durch die Einbindung diverser Stakeholder und den Einsatz partizipativer Methoden werden regionsspezifische und gemeinschaftlich getragene Anpassungsmassnahmen effizienter entwickelt.

Merkblatt für die Praxis 762024
Available languages: GermanFrench

Im von Kalkgestein geprägten Mittelland und Jura sind Findlinge aus Silikatgestein wertvolle Lebensrauminseln für zahlreiche felsbewohnende Flechten und Moose sowie einen Farn, die nicht auf Kalkgestein wachsen können. Diese spezielle Flora ist selten. Einfache Massnahmen tragen dazu bei, dass sie erhalten bleibt.

Merkblatt für die Praxis 742023
Available languages: GermanFrench
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Spotlight leverages options to mitigate negative impacts on the ecological environment while meeting human needs for safety and well-being. With an interdisciplinary consortium of lighting engineers, ecologists, and social scientists, we contribute to an evidence-based debate on light pollution.

Entwicklung eines Prototyps für die Typisierung und Charakterisierung von Landschaften auf Basis von physischen und wahrgenommenen Merkmalen. Der Prototyp wird in den Kantonen Zug, Waadt und Graubünden entwickelt mit dem Ziel, mittelfristig auf die ganze Schweiz anwendbar zu sein.

Das Projekt umfasst sechs Module, die gemeinsam Informationen sammeln, Wissen generieren und die Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur partizipativen Aufwertung einer Moorlandschaft ermöglichen.

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