Research 28.08.2024
Vapourised pines: project on drought stress
Vapourised pines: project on drought stress

WSL researchers are spraying pine trees with water vapour in the Valais to disentangle the effects of air and soil dryness.

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Research 07.08.2024
How forest trees defy extreme heatwaves
How forest trees defy extreme heatwaves

A study led by WSL and EPFL has investigated how trees survive extreme heat using drones and thermal imaging cameras.

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Research 16.07.2024
European forest monitoring proposal criticised
European forest monitoring proposal criticised

International forest researchers propose improvements to a European Commission's forest monitoring initiative.

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Institutional 01.07.2024
First spin-off at the SLF
First spin-off at the SLF

The RAMMS software for modeling avalanches, debris flows and rockfalls is being incorporated into a specially founded AG.

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Research for people and the environment in a changing world



SLF doctoral student Patricia Asemann writes about her work on the Silvretta glacier, melting ice, falling winds and pasta with pesto.


Urban trees are suffering because of invasive insects. Read in the new DIAGONAL how WSL is exploring whether birds could be of help.


Machine learning helps researchers to use weather stations to investigate the consequences of climate change for the growth of alpine vegetation.


The Federal Council has appointed Rolf Holderegger as the new director of WSL.

Services and products

Understanding and improving biodiversity in the city: Read in the new DIAGONAL magazine how WSL is contributing to this.


Getting the most out of genetic data - to enable this, a WSL-led team is calling for standards in archiving.


3 September 2024

Am Infotag werden die Ergebnisse der geminsamen Forschungsinitiative von Eawag und WSL zum Thema "Blue Green Biodiversity" vorgestellt.

26 to 27 September 2024

Der Wald ist ein wichtiger Lebensraum für Flechten und beherbergt eine Vielzahl verschiedener Arten. Dieser Kurs gibt Einblick in die Welt…

3 October 2024

The WSL Biodiversity Center is pleased to announce their first Biodiversity Research Day.