WSL ecologist Charlotte Grossiord wins scholarship

12.01.2021  | Beate Kittl | News WSL 

The «Sandoz Family Foundation – Monique de Meuron» Programme for Academic Promotion has awarded Charlotte Grossiord, tenure track assistant professor at EPFL and WSL, a two-year renewable grant. The support includes the equivalent of the laureate salary and a graduate assistant/postdoc for a period of two years, renewable two times for one year, that is, a total of four years. A start-up fund is added to this. Congratulations!

How does global warming affect terrestrial ecosystems - and thus the important functions and services provided for humans by ecosystems? Prof. Charlotte Grossiord has been investigating this question for nearly a decade. After her PhD, Prof. Grossiord worked for three years at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in the USA as a postdoc fellow, where she investigated how forests adapt to the exacerbation of droughts with higher temperatures. In 2018, she was awarded an Ambizione grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation and joined the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WS. In March 2020 she started as a tenure track assistant professor at EPFL.



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