Assessment of strategic spatial plan making and plan implementation processes
2016 - 2021
Project information ¶
The overall objective of this project is to develop an analytical framework grounded in an analysis of strategic spatial planning processes, i.e. plan making and plan implementation. Cities worldwide are increasingly engaging in strategic spatial planning processes to address economic, social and environmental issues. While we do recognize the context specificity of the formulation and implementation of strategic spatial plans, we argue that an overarching conceptualization of their main components and interrelationships is nevertheless possible. Therefore, in this project we synthesize research on 21 European a framework for strategic spatial plan making and plan implementation – the SPlaMI framework. The project is part of project CONCUR - From Plans to Land Change.
Project research methods ¶
- Multi-case study approach.
- In-depth, semi-structured interviewing with academics and regional planners.
- Manual and computer-aided coding of the interview data.
- Content analysis of the strategic spatial plans currently in force in the selected cases.
Project spatial focus ¶
The selected 21 European urban regions

Project outcomes ¶
- The SPlaMI framework intended to facilitate future reflections on the workings of strategic spatial planning.
Parent project ¶
Related projects ¶
Publications ¶
Oliveira E., Hersperger A.M. (2019) Disentangling the governance configurations of strategic spatial plan-making in European urban regions. Plan. Pract. & Res. 34(1), 47-61. Institutional Repository DORA
Oliveira E., Hersperger A.M. (2018) Governance arrangements, funding mechanisms and power configurations in current practices of strategic spatial plan implementation. Land Use Policy. 76, 623-633. Institutional Repository DORA
Oliveira E., Tobias S., Hersperger A.M. (2018) Can strategic spatial planning contribute to land degradation reduction in urban regions? State of the art and future research. Sustainability. 10(4), 949 (23 pp.). Repository DORA
Other Publications ¶
Pagliarin, S., & Decker, P. D. (2018). Regionalised sprawl: conceptualising suburbanisation in the European context. Urban Research & Practice, (Online).