Distribution and ecological requirements of the red wood ants in Switzerland
Anita Christina Risch
Deputy Project staffAndri Baltensweiler
Fabrizio Cioldi
Christoph Düggelin
Marielle Fraefel
2009 - 2030
Cooperation FinancingAs ecosystem engineers, red wood ants alter and modify habitats for other organisms and play an important phytosanitary role. This makes them key species in forest ecosystems that have a major impact on forest biodiversity. Although the biology and lifestyle of the native, mound-building wood ants are well known, the ecological requirements and the environmental factors that are important for suitable nest locations are only poorly understood. As part of the Swiss National Forest Inventory (LFI), we are recording the red wood ants and investigating the status and distribution of these insects in the Swiss forest. In addition, we would like to know more about the role of anthropogenic influence on the distribution of red wood ants.
Scientific publications ¶
Fitzpatrick B.R., Baltensweiler A., Düggelin C., Fraefel M., Freitag A., Vandegehuchte M.L., … Risch A.C. (2021) The distribution of a group of keystone species is not associated with anthropogenic habitat disturbance. Divers. Distrib. 27(4), 572-584. https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.13217 Institutional Repository DORA
Vandegehuchte M.L., Wermelinger B., Fraefel M., Baltensweiler A., Düggelin C., Brändli U.B., … Risch A.C. (2017) Distribution and habitat requirements of red wood ants in Switzerland: implications for conservation. Biol. Conserv. 212, 366-375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2017.06.008 Institutional Repository DORA
WSL publications ¶
Outreach publications ¶
Wermelinger B., Risch A. (2018) Die Roten Waldameisen. Zürcher Wald. (4), 4-12. Institutional Repository DORA
Wermelinger B., Risch A., Düggelin C., Vandegehuchte M. (2018) Waldameisen. Die Bauplätze der wertvollen Nützlinge. Landwirt. (8), 76-79. Institutional Repository DORA
Wermelinger B., Risch A., Düggelin C., Vandegehuchte M.L. (2017) Erste schweizweite Waldameisenerhebung. Wald Holz. (7), 23-25. Institutional Repository DORA
Freitag A., Kaiser-Benz M., Bernasconi C., Cherix D., Düggelin C., Risch A., Wermelinger B. (2016) Vielfalt und Verbreitung der Waldameisen in Graubünden (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Formica rufa-Gruppe): erste Ergebnisse. Jahresber. Nat.forsch. Ges. Graubünden. 119, 161-176. Institutional Repository DORA