Tapping the potential of one decade of annual repeat altimetry to study glacial and periglacial processes (TapRep)

The so-​called "Spezialbefliegungen" are a data set of very high-​resolution aerial photographs and digital elevation models covering about 100 Swiss glaciers and proglacial areas. Since 2012, this data has been acquired at yearly intervals by the Federal Office of Topography in the frame of the Glacier Monitoring Switzerland (GLAMOS) programme. Although both the quality of the data and its spatio-​temporal resolution are unique, the resource has been strongly underused so far. This project sets out to change this, and includes four main activities focusing glaciological and periglacial research questions, as well as data visualization for public outreach. The activities will unlock the full potential of a unique data set documenting one decade of climate-​related changes in the Swiss Alps.
